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Everything posted by Rocket

  1. you start a chain lift going straightuntill the 45 degree angle but then you release the chain lift and launch the train up the lift hil and for a good looking saw add a chain lift right at the top to take it over the top,the you go into the drop.but how do you get a more than vertical drop on RCT3???
  2. originally anyone could join dueue to the fact that there was not many contestants,you should most likely be picked.good luck and happy birthday for tomorrow
  3. I'm definately coming now,if my mate does not join me is there anyone I can hang around with?
  4. and the I guess fastrack is put in the main queue at the moving gate bit and single rider goes up the stairs(old fastrack bit) and through the old disabled bit(the right queue line) into the station,so like before really.
  5. alfonso is the best,in the stalth queueline at about 11 there was no queue,we went n and then he just kept letting us through the gate untill someone appeared at the queue saving us 3 or 4 minutes walking each time.
  6. where is it?is it the same as before?that will save queing
  7. exzactly-it cant be the fastrack queue as there still is fastrack,not the exit as there is enough room.where is it???
  8. Rocket

    This Or That

    TV(sky prefrebly)(which come with radio)car or motor bike
  9. hey,are you coming to the meet.can you reply to my PMs plese

  10. Rocket

    This Or That

    BladeRipsaw or ramese revenge
  11. Rocket

    This Or That

    hard oneI would say nemesis by the looks of thing but I have only been on nemesis infernoSaw or Oblivion
  12. Rocket

    This Or That

    terminator 3(havnt seen 1 or 2)Stealth or Rita
  13. whichever is easier,video with pov would be the best but a picture of the track would be fine.
  14. and that means this weeks winner is lewie900 with his SAw recreationwell done lewiethe next competition is to recreate any chessington or alton towers rollercoaster
  15. mine when I went,locked the gondala in position at the top then slowly movfed the arms towards the jets with us facing then and the ground,he was going deernum deernum getting faster and faster(like jaws) untilll we were fully in the sprays and we were held there for a while,during that cylce he then spun us round and round like crazy,with a short queue he did the first ride then asked who wants to do the more extreme one,this was the extreme one,it was mentality-great fun though.
  16. wow,that looks great,try get a video on as soon as possible,dragons fury gives a great thrill and is one of the best non-inverted coasters ive been on.
  17. Rocket

    This Or That

    neither,universitybut if I had to chose,then collegePC or MAC???
  18. thats quite good.the competition is now closed and voting is untill tomorrow evening at around 5.it is between the SAW recreation,stealth rollback and stealthyou make the decision.
  19. timR,s stealth looks like a good one with all the atmosphere portaid by the photo
  20. off topic-when you click the park link the video saying SAW-will at the side is my mates and then the video who is done by the same person has me on iton topic-yeh I have noticed that aswell,must be what he does-announcements and voices for adverts
  21. Rocket

    Your Thorpe Park

    what about a Halo 3:ODST lazer quest activity which is outdoors like the one at Big sheep in devon(additional charge required).Possibly even a new launched coaster which is indoors and outdoors feuturing inversions like barrel rolls,loops and corkscrew themed around driving games such as granturismo 5,forza 3 and pgr4
  22. Rocket

    This Or That

    USB stickPSP or nintendo DS?
  23. cool,now we just need to know about timR and Alex moody
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