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Everything posted by JamesB

  1. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Who's getting Edge of Glory on Monday then? Personally I'm going to avoid it until the release, I've made a pact to myself not to listen to anymore new material until the release. From what I've heard the song is amazing.
  2. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    I quite like the Judas video... its safe, but in a good way. It has quite a warm, 'nice' feeling to it, I cant put my finger on it. Loving the sets, they look amazing. As a religious person, I think its a fantastic video and take on the story. I was quite amazed by the wave scene, was that special effects or was Gaga genuinely showered with that much water? Aha. Overall, I really like it, not love it, but its still a good video, not too long and a good concept.
  3. I don't think Gardaland would like to admit to being related to Thorpe Park They are pretty much, worlds apart.
  4. Why did my post get deleted Is it because I quoted another deleted post? No fair!Anyway, I'll say it again, I love that song Mikey Avenue Q is teh best.
  5. JamesB


    I'm going to see the War Horse in June, bit scared I'm going to cry my eyes out! It looks good, however.
  6. Shame how everything comes down to sex and looks in this world. There are other things in the world you know, get out of your bubble. kthxbai.
  7. My best friend's friend, passed away from cancer today cruel world, I hate you. I don't even know what to say to my friend.
  8. Don't you just hate 'friends' who are only friends when its convenient for them. One of my old best friends has become like this with me, she only talks to me when we are in a certain group of people, generally at college she will blank me and pretend she doesn't know me. She's turned into such a cow anyway, hanging around with all the orange, skinny girls. Wannabe, I want to shout in your face. Eurgh. It's a shame, she used to be one of the funniest people I knew and used to brighten up my day, now all she cares about is her look and going out and getting drunk. One day she will wake up to reality and see that who she thought were friends were actually just using her to drive them around to clubs.Wanted to get that off my chest.
  9. JamesB


    These are so hilarious...http://i51.tinypic.com/24wak5v.gifhttp://i51.tinypic.com/2q8r63c.jpgI love Gaga, but these are just genious.
  10. Mine doesn't have GPS settings, I'm guessing that means the phone doesn't have GPS?I think I shall go for throwing it around the room. Useless phone.
  11. I still can't get places to work on my Blackberry, I have looked through all the help online and the "share location" button is still grayed out. Does anyone here have a blackberry, I'd like some help, it's driving me mad! Useless Blackberry help site.
  12. Can I post mine tomorrow? Sorry, been out all day.
  13. From a 'friends' Facebook: Down old Portsmouth with the beautiful miss ______ going too start the bbq soon 8 months ago this fairy tale being I love you babe xSomeone get me a bucket?
  14. People who post "I'm so hungover" THREE times on Facebook, obviously no-one cares. You only have yourself to blame, piss off spamming my feed with your rubbish.
  15. I've only been to PortAventura out of that list, and I have to admit that I'd rather visit PortAventura any day, its good far more rides aimed at thrill seekers, saying that, Gardaland isn't bad by any means, it just lacks a good range of thrilling rides which PortAventura has. If Merlin invest more into a couple of flat rides then I would say it would be on par with PortAventura. Anyhow, I love them both!And also the theming in Port Aventura is alot better than Garda's.
  16. I didn't think much of Ramses when I went, it was a bit of an average dark ride, I was actually quite excited about riding it but I felt really let down by it, wasn't what I expected at all. But overall the park is pretty good.
  17. JamesB


    Great pictures dude! I remember that night well, she looked stunning and her voice was amazing too. Totally not what I expected. I don't remember her wearing that beautiful yellow dress however, it looks great though!
  18. JamesB


    Where have you seen her? I saw her when she was playing at Portsmouth and she was pretty good, despite my fears. Loved her performance of Rolling Stone, thats my favourite song by her.
  19. Oh... so your going to reply to her texts but not mine? I see how it is.
  20. Oh yes...did I say, I am friends with THE Miss Portsmouth and she also stood for Miss England too.
  21. You know what REALLY annoys me... people who complain about their workload at college. Piss right off, I have just finished a 155 page ICT coursework project, I still have T&T and Health coursework due next Friday and then exams to revise for. And before Christmas I also did English coursework, Health coursework and T&T coursework. Why not stop wasting your time complaining and do the work? Seriously, I just crack on with it, I hardly ever moan. So, people on facebook, STFU. Thanks.
  22. JamesB


    I really want to like Natalia, but I just can't get "into" her, its really annoying when that happens to me with an act. Its the same with Spark, I really wanted to like her but she just doesn't do it for me.
  23. ^ Same. This sounds like fun.
  24. JamesB


    I live in Portsmouth, but one of my best mates goes to uni in Bournemouth Nah, its okay, I'm good.So.... I got tickets to see go see Hurts live, excited.And didn't get Ellie Goulding tickets *cry*
  25. Proper angry with my friend. She can't seem to tell the difference between feeling pleased with what you've achieved and bragging. She claims I have a big ego, which is a big fat lie, as I suffer from depression and low self esteem. How dare she point the finger at me. Why rain on my parade, I'm just pleased that I've done well. Go ruin someone elses day. Kthxbai.
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