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Everything posted by JamesB

  1. I felt really bad for the girl who sung Single Ladies and didn't get to chose her own song, makes me lost a lot of respect for the program really. Jessie J was amazing, just to add. I haven't seen yesterdays semi final yet.
  2. JamesB


    I went to see the War Horse yesterday, was really good. The first act was amazing but after the interval I got a bit bored, especially with the coloured Nazi guy (for those who have seen it) but then the final 20 minutes were really emotional! The horse puppets were really amazing and very life like, you can see a lot of thought went into the production of it. Shame about the acting of the black Nazi.I'd give it a 8/10
  3. JamesB


    ^ There was a guy drunk on the train last night, he was saying to his mate on the phone, oh I tried to stir up trouble with the Barcelona fans but they weren't having none of it. And then went on a swearing rampage, aha.
  4. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Yeah, because she sold it for 99p
  5. Yeah, I get your point! Its more that there isn't really a gay 'scene' here at all, and of course I'm not old enough to go to clubs and bars yet. Portsmouth is probably one of the most anti-gay cities out there anyway. Oh, I love living here
  6. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Yeah, but it usually comes up on the album's page too. Meh, I had a iTunes voucher anyway, so I'm not bothered.
  7. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    I'm a bit pissed off, iTunes haven't given me any money off the album, despite them saying if you buy the promotional singles, they would deduct the cost of that off of the album, as they usually do. cottage cheese tastes very nice you iTunes. I got the promo singles for no reason then. Sigh. But still, downloading it now.
  8. ^ I hardly think you can generalise, but okay.I know a girl (who is lovely) who has just got married and she hasn't hit 20 yet, but fair enough. Everyone is different, I do get tired of people saying relationships are for this age and so on. I'm quite mature for my age and would actually like a serious relationship.
  9. ^ I only have two lessons at the moment, as one of my A2s has finished and so has my AS. On Monday I don't start till 1:45 and then go home at 2:50 lol.Double post... naughty.I hate it how some of the most horrid people I know can get a boyfriend/girlfriend whereas I have no such luck, it just makes me depressed and start looking at myself, like is there something wrong? I'm not going to lie, I struggle with who I am anyway but it just tops it off when a guy who was an arsehole to me last week just goes on dates with guys as he pleases. I'm a bit of a downer after a party today, excuse my depression.
  10. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Well, the Monster Ball last night was amazingggg. Totally loved Teeth and You and I. Dance in the Dark was a bit weird as an opening song, it didn't quite meet the standards I was expecting as people kept saying it was amazing live.
  11. My friend who is at Thorpe today just posted on Facebook that Colossus was evacuated, I imagine from the lift hill? Wonder what happened.
  12. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Blood Mary has grown on me now, its okay but definitely not radio-friendly, haha.Bad Kids is amazing, I think, especially the beginning, I could see it working as a single.Don't forget guys, shes on Sky 1 tonight, at 9 I believe, Monster Ball! Yeahhh. I'm excited.
  13. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Heavy Metal Lover was such a let down, expected so much more from that song. Bloody Mary is meh to me at the moment, the hook is alright but the rest is a bit of a drag. Unicorn is by far my favourite at the moment, so catchy. I want it as a single, and she can do a Blow style video
  14. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    The beginning of Marry the Night is just pure amazing.So far, I only dislike Americano, its a bit of a musical mess, it may grow on me.On my second listen now.
  15. Oakie Doke, or however you spell it!Noddy was a classic too.
  16. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    *puts fingers in ears* I cant hear you, Marry the Night! Must resist!Hair is pretty good, doesn't really touch Edge of Glory but its a pretty nice, liberating song. A video for it would be epic, imagine the wigs she could have. Oh and the cover art is my favourite so far.Oh and this Youtube channel has some great remixes: http://www.youtube.com/user/B0rnThisWayTV2
  17. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    ^ Just to add, Telephone, Poker Face and Alejandro weren't the whole songs.The show was bloody amazing, I was overwhelmed by it, to be honest. Honestly one of the best things I've seen on TV for a long time. Paws up!
  18. JamesB


    Who's watching/listening to the Big Weekend? Jessie J and Ellie were both fantastic! Waiting for Nicole now.
  19. JamesB


    It looks good! I'm a tad confused, what exactly does the ride do? I had a look on the website and it doesn't really describe it in any depth. Does the submarine move like a simulator or is it on an actual track?
  20. JamesB


    The Internet is for porn, porn, porn!
  21. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Do it :)The album is getting closer and closer!
  22. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Dammit, I gave in and had a listen, I loved it, automatically... well, I knew I would! Are we getting more promotional singles? I'd rather she just waited for the album release now, we've heard enough material to know its going to be amazing!
  23. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Aaah thank you Will, its been annoying me for a while, I get annoyed over little things like that! Thanks for clearing it up.I cant decided whether to buy Edge of Glory tonight or not, I'm so tempted but I really want to wait for the album now...
  24. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    Do we know yet if Government Hooker is going to be the version they played at the fashion show, I've noticed on the special edition they have the Mugler remix of Schiebe but not Government Hooker, that makes me think that the album version will be the version we've already heard. What do others think?
  25. JamesB

    Lady GaGa

    I want to listen to it so bad but I don't want to spoil the album, I know I can make myself wait!So far I've heardBTWJudasScheiBe (Mugler remix)Government Hooker (Mugler remix... rumoured to be the actual album track too)You and IThats already 5 songs! Must resist listening to any more leaks.
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