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Everything posted by JamesB

  1. JamesB


    ^ That would fit right in at Thorpe, quite well
  2. Hit the nail on the head there! My teacher said in the group today, in a better world he hoped there wouldn't be a need for such a group and thats his hope for the future that over time people will become more accepting and there will be no need for such a group.I'm not subject to homophobic abuse myself but my friends regularly refer to things as gay... etc...
  3. Its called the Gay-Straight Alliance, so yeah... lots of college have them now apparently. Its about diversity and acceptance, its not special at all. Remember Keith I'm not in Brighton where EVERYONE is gay
  4. I'm going to the gay club at my college for the first time tomorrow, I'm actually a little nervous but the teacher who runs it just the loveliest man ever, so... wish me luck!
  5. JamesB


    I'm gona ride my bike until I get home....
  6. I think I had a new restraint yesterday, it felt different to how I remembered. The launch still catches me out to this day, I don't think you can beat the feeling in your stomach just as your approaching the tophat, just amazing!
  7. Colossus was very smooth today, those new wheels have made a hell of a difference. As someone said it really speeds through the twists now, almost making you dizzy. And I came off without a headache, horrah!
  8. Couldn't understand why Stealth was on one train when Colossus and Inferno were on two, and they both had shorter queues. Meh!
  9. Quantum was down this afternoon, it didn't seem a major problem....
  10. Just got back from good old Thorpey! Despite the awful start weather wise I had a fantastic day with my mates.Did Saw Alive for the time and wow.... I was totally expecting this to be bad from reviews and I absolutely loved it, the actors were on top form and the atmosphere was amazing, really love what they have done with this, of course its very short and could be extended but its such a good thrill, came out with my heart racing but still having a great time.Riding X with lights on was really interesting, its great to see the layout and what it really looks like, but I think its had its day and its time for it to go...Zodiac was closed for a little while when someone threw up and Quantum was down all day (I think) with people working on it.AND FINALLY, I met Denise, Duncan who were filming on site (at Detonator) got to see Denise dropped, was such a laugh! My friend got autographs from them both. and also Jason from Dancing on Ice was there too Hes a babe!Colossus - 1 (2 trains)Inferno - 2 (2 trains)Saw - 1Saw Alive - 1Stealth - 1 (1 train)Rush - 1Vortex - 1Rumba Rapids - 1Zodiac - 1X:wtf - 1Samurai - 1 (Seemed to be on a good mode today)
  11. JamesB


    Hurts, such an awesome band!
  12. Thank you both, thats all I wanted to know Fingers crossed Stealth is running okay this week.
  13. So, whats closed at the moment? I'm visiting Thursday, just wanted to check!
  14. I wonder what theme the third park could be? An animal park like Animal Kingdom?
  15. Can we have the bold new threads back please? It was easy to see which threads you hadn't read when they were bold. Could we have that back please?
  16. JamesB


    Obsessions - Marina and the Diamonds.
  17. Happy birthday Keith, hope you have an aweeeesome day! x
  18. Ah, that makes more sense! It was first thing in the morning.
  19. I'm going 23rd September with college, really excited! Its been a year since my last visit.
  20. I know Saw has different speeds on the lift hill depending on where the other car is on the track. One time I had a really slow lift hill and it really added to the suspense, I usually find saws lift hill is far too fast. Its much more fun and gruelling slow!
  21. JamesB


    Tuneeeeeee! I adore that song.Right now: Miss You Bow Wow Wow - Girls Aloud. Such a lovely song.
  22. Glad you had a good time there, it is a fantastic park, very well looked after!Blue Tornado - Indeed, very rough! It was the only ride at the park I really hated, sadly.Magic Mountain - Again, agreed. Such a lovely ride, the restraints were so comfy and the ride was smooth as anything, really enjoyed this, it was my little brothers first inversion, was a proud brother that day!Sequoia Adventure - Actually, I go back on my word, this was the worst ride, totally pointless imo. But overall its a great park, did you do Mammut and the Mad House ride in the tree house, both are quite enjoyable.
  23. JamesB


    (Not adding to the sexist debate) But I have to agree with the above post, on my last visit the two ladies operating Slammer were more interested in chatting over the microphone about which flavour of ice cream they should get, I had a good mind to complain, I was sat in my seat for at least 5 minutes before the restraints were checked. Meh.
  24. Actually wasps eat woolly aphids which grow on my Apple Tree and slowly destroy it, without wasps my apple tree would be dead and gone. So
  25. JamesB


    Demi Lovato has an amazing voice! Shame her album bombed over here. Remember December was a bloody awesome song. Selena isn't bad, Disney has a habit of turning their actors into singers But yeah, her first single I quite enjoy. No comment on JB...!
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