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Everything posted by JamesB

  1. Well done everyone, really good results from all of you! I only got Cs and Bs when I took mine last year, so be pleased!
  2. JamesB


    Awesome song, even though I dont like the video! The best song I've heard this summer Lets admit it...
  3. JamesB


    McFlys new song is amazing Dougie has got so much hotter!
  4. I'm doing English Literature, Media, ICT and Travel & Tourism. Dropping Media for Health and Social Care however.
  5. Just a Penguin pool as far as I know
  6. JamesB


    Aww, my Nan just gave me £50 to spend on my New York trip, so sweet
  7. I got BBCC, on my AS levels, pretty pleased with that
  8. Phone: Walkman W850i... I don't give a crap about these new phones, as long as mine makes calls, sends texts and I can listen to my music on it, then its fine!#Camera: My dad just got a new one for his birthday today, its a panasonic and has some crazy cool settings on it as well as HQ video, very excited.PS2WiiOh and a Gameboy XP somewhere...I'm begging mum and dad for a Xbox 360, but apparently we have enough I want to play Left for dead and CoD so badly!Possibly getting a iPod for Christmas as my phone connector for headphones keeps breaking, but I will live!
  9. Went to Flamingo Land last Wednesday, was absolutely fantastic...We were staying in Scarborough, about 20-30 minutes from the park, we arrived at roughly about 10:45. First off I got a Q Buster ticket as a informant told me that it would be very busy, all the staff we met were polite and very helpful, so thank you for that FL!The zoo was good as well as the rides, we say some Meerkat babies So cute! The chimps were locked inside, their outdoor window was smashed, never under estimate these apes! Thats about it, it was a fun but pretty uneventful day!Ride Count:Velocity - 1 (Thrilling but painful)Dodgems - 1Corkscrew - 1 (ouch)Flip Flop - 2 (So much fun!)Mumbo Jumbo - 2 (fantastic ride, a little slow at times but still great fun)Voodoo - 1Cable Car - 1Cliffhanger - 1 (Not as intense as I expected)
  10. JamesB


    Wow, that could be a good ride but they had to give it a crap layout with breaks straight after the loop. Just ouch!
  11. I'm going to Flamingo Land in the summer... 1. any tips? 2. how does the whole fast pass thing work there, I heard it was a text service thing? Thanks for any info
  12. (Sorry to go off-topic)That happened to us at Thorpe last year, it was forecasted for heavy showers but it rained for about an hour at lunch and then literally everyone went home and we had the park to ourselves, was well worth it!
  13. Anyway...Having a ****ing awful day and week... my guinea pig got put down due to illness and since then I've just been depressed, I felt on the verge of self harming last night and my best mates wernt answering the phone and I didn't know what to do... I felt so lost And now today today I tried to catch up with some friends I have been in touch with for a while and got no reply all day... its so bloody frustrating I was aiming for a better summer. Every time I leave school/college I just immediately go into depression, I need to see my friends and soon, it doesn't do me much good being at home. End of rant...
  14. JamesB

    This Or That

    Ice cream!Would you rather make your ears bleed to Miley Cyrus or Katie Price?
  15. Yes I have done it before and it hurt a little, but this time was twice as bad Trust me, I did hold on tightly!
  16. You have to be kidding, its a frigging death trap! My friend and I came off with leg cramp and rib cramp... definitely not an enjoyable experience!
  17. Well, the train I was on was boarded in less than a minute but the train after there must have been a hold up. I guess it depends on who is boarding and the staff.
  18. ^ The day after I visit... how annoying. I would have loved to ride it in its normal state, the fans just ruined the ride completely.
  19. Lovely day today. Queues were 15-30 for most rides. Dragon Falls, Fury and Vampire went up to 45 I think. Didn't get a chance to do Fury or Falls in the end sadly but we still got a good ride count, pretty pleased!Ride count:Kobra x 1 (First time)Swinger x 1Turmoil x 1Vampire x 1Bubbleworks x 1Carousel x 1Buccaneer x 1Tomb Blaster x 1Runaway Train x 1Rattlesnake x 1 (never again...)Skyway x 1Hocus Pocus x 1Sealife x 1Plus zoo....
  20. The ride... is awful I am absolutely appalled by the whole fan situation, the ride loses all its atmosphere. At the start of the ride you can see the black sheets hung up and the glow in the dark scenery just doesn't work. To add to my little rant the new boarding system is awful too. I used to love this ride but riding it today just ruined it for me. I really hope the fan situation isn't going to happen every summer, it looks so awful.
  21. ^ The walk through only uses the ground floor of the house. I don't think I saw any steps as far as I remember. Disabled guests can skip the mirror maze.Well, I went on this today for the first time in ages and actually enjoyed it. The effects are all working quite well and the atmosphere is good too. Only thing that spoilt it for me was ten screaming school girls in my group, got a little tedious at times
  22. I think... yes in a way. The loading was pretty efficient and quick but we did have to wait a little while on the second lift hill and the inside break run (At least 2 minutes) but yeah the queues seem to have been kept down and the staff seem pretty efficient, I guess it depends who it is.
  23. The staff member James was operating it today, hes a hilarious chap! Made the ride really entertaining and a pleasure to be on. Thank you if you read this forum
  24. ^ That sounds good to me. My plan of the day is to do Vampire and Fury first thing and then do the smaller rides and the zoo at the peak time (1-3) and then go back to Kobra and whatever after 3. Thanks a lot, I'm really looking forward to my visit!
  25. Yes you can go in anytime, the queues are almost always short. Its a reasonable size, I'm not sure how much of the walk through actually takes up the hall. Its a bit of fun, I've only ever been in it once, must remember to do it on my next trip!
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