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Everything posted by JamesB

  1. JamesB


    Yeah, club music is my thing. I have a very long list of remixes on my iTunes
  2. JamesB


    It's an amazing album, you won't regret it, honestly! It's full of amazing club tunes.
  3. JamesB


    Sounds a good idea, perhaps a short play list, 5-10 songs, as people won't have the time to listen to lots.We could always use Spotify, much easier than Youtube
  4. JamesB


    This is the lolz...http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhzikhsyCS1qzl1gto1_500.gif
  5. Thanks guys well it depends if I've changed my mind completely after my gap year and want to do something completely different. Will have to see what I think when it gets to September. However, our careers department are amazing at college and they still support students once they have left
  6. Haha, being at Thorpe would probably make my day, being on rides makes me smile, despite how **** they are!I wanted to do Primary Teaching. I'm going to do a gap year with YWAM in London but after that I have no clue, may reapply but I don't know if its worth trying again? Bring turned a second time can't be nice. Thanks anyway.
  7. I feel like ****! Basically I failed to get into University this year and now I'm just trying to work out what to do with my life, friends not replying to my texts doesn't help either, now is the time I really need the support from my friends and I just get nothing. It really ****s me off, sorry for the language, but it does. I just give up with trying to make an effort with people, it just doesn't get anywhere. I know one of my friends is getting ready to move but she could at least send me one text. Parents aren't being that supportive either. I just feel lost and really angry at life. I cant even see my youth worker this week which makes me even more depressed. Woo, I feel 1% better by getting this off my chest.
  8. Theres been an explosion at one of the nuclear plants, was quite a big one... very worrying!
  9. Does you has msn? Mines on my page if you want to add me :)

  10. I'm guessing the seats aren't actually laid out like that?
  11. That guy on the poster is hot... shame about the slut next to him.
  12. Hold on... I just got what you meant, the lyrics you posted! Thanks :)

  13. Did you send that to the wrong person :P

  14. Wow, that looks amazing, I love the concept, can we have one in England please? Alton Towers maybe?
  15. What song is that, may I ask? I love the lyrics.
  16. JamesB


    Well done...? What an achievement.
  17. I love the pub scene, I was right by the bit where he jumps out last time and it scared the s*** out of me, aha.
  18. From Facebook:Vengeance, our new 5D feature will open to the public on the 28th May. Vengeance is set in Victorian London at 50 Berkeley Square, alleged to be the most haunted house in London at the time...Does anyone know what it is replacing? I quite like the name, it sounds thrilling and daring.
  19. JamesB


    Clare Maguire. Sorry, Jessie J, get out the way, this lady walks all over you. If you haven't heard anything by this lady then have a listen to Last Dance or You're Electric, her voice is stunning.
  20. JamesB


    Big fat, WTF. Its like Alejandro part 2, just with more egg yolk and creepy men.
  21. Some nice pictures there, sounds a good thing to do when your ill.I went to the Tower of London on Tuesday, followed by Madame Tussauds and then tea at China Town. Good old London.
  22. Spirit of London did look great. obviously it was my first ride, but still it looked great, wasn't expecting such a long ride, considering the Tussauds building looks quite small from the outside. I don't remember seeing strobe lights but I remember the horrid smells well! Some of the animatronics are so old, but I think it adds to the quirkiness of the ride!The 4D film was also quite good, an interesting addition, the film was a little short but I imagine in peak times they have to get a lot of people through and anything longer than 10 minutes would affect the flow.
  23. Wow. Higher launch speeds sound good too. It all sounds pretty fantastic, Disney and Universal have some real competition.
  24. I'm going here tomorrow, quite looking forward to it actually! I'm sure my little brother will enjoy it more than me, but ahwell, its a new experience.
  25. But rays are the best stupid Sealife, why replace the fantastic rays with statue crabs? Meh.
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