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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. Rarely - for example both on Air are left off all the time. Very few of them are operational on a regular basis, B&M tend to design them in merely as another precaution.
  2. Yeah, I don't see why it would be programmed to stop the train on that top block. Considering there's the transfer block as well as the service and safety blocks, I don't see why you would. I really see it being a hefty trim down to say ~20 mph but not a block stop; there's no need at all.
  3. ^ You're correct; if this brake run doesn't completely kill the speed entirely I can see this final turn becoming quite the surprise star at the end of the ride.
  4. I agree Sidders; I really have warmed to The Swarm as a name.Two more shots from themeparkguide, these really show off the colour scheme contrast well. It looks very nice, although it does seem to change considerably depending on the light.
  5. How exciting this is - hooray for progress! We're finally off and running Regarding block set up, I should imagine the first (after the inline) will be a full block capable of stopping the train, but won't do so on a regular basis. I'm thinking that if it operates the same system as Raptor with a free brake run between the train and station, it'll stop on the block after the final turn, leaving the transfer block free and the other train in the station. So I'd vote no on stopping on the raised run.Edit: Site overview from today, credit to ThorpeNerd. Transfer track is in, footers for helicopter turnaround are visible, and a nice top view of the final turn. The most interesting part though, is that it would appear the two islands have already been linked - contrary to what we saw in the original plans, isn't it? Perhaps an amendment was submitted at some point? Hmm...For comparison, it's kinda visible here:
  6. AdamY

    Video Games.

    ^ Gonna be playing a Dunmer Spellbow on my first play-through I think - Marksman with mage support. Stealth and subterfuge, with the major bonus of ranged attack options in a land where your most formidable enemy is flying at you out of the sky... Cannot. Wait. 5 weeks!Edit: Just pre-ordered
  7. AdamY


    Selling 2 Katy Perry tickets, 15th October at the O2. PM / Facebook me Taken.
  8. AdamY


    I do love that, Benin! Whilst on game soundtracks, it gets no better than Morrowind. It's simply beautiful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtDYUV-UMtQ&fmt=18
  9. Way to disprove your own statement. When being angry and trying to take the moral high ground, it works best if you ensure you're not making yourself look stupid in the process.
  10. Which parts, exactly? And source?
  11. AdamY

    Best Games Console

    PC gaming is cool but expensive to get a decent set up (I.e. one that is actually better than a console). I just hate the 360 fanbois. Ah well, enough of this topic. Excuse me while I go pay for another few months for my online acco- oh wait. Never mind.
  12. AdamY

    Best Games Console

    PS3.[/thread]Console wars are SO pointless, but it had to be said. The truth hurts.
  13. This is fantastic I just get the feeling that it will be stunning when finished. Another random thing to note in the pic above is the bricking up of the maintenance building - just an observation
  14. AdamY

    Video Games.

    In-game content is such a cop-out! Give me 'Making of' Bluray, cloth map, foot-tall Alduin statue and 200+ page full colour art book any day ;)Oh, and I forgot to mention the Collector's Edition (hardback) Strategy Guide, too. That'll be another £30 or £40... Le sigh.
  15. Bloody hell, that is massive. I guess at 2 metres higher than the Saw building, I should have expected this
  16. Sounds great! Hopefully some photos will surface over the weekend then.
  17. AdamY

    Video Games.

    I will not miss my £130 what so ever when I have this in hand on 11/11/11 <3
  18. None... There will be an 'open covered' pergola area, and a tiny bit in the tower but other than that, none.
  19. AdamY


    Loving Joss Stone again at the moment. I hadn't listened to Mind, Body & Soul for years until the other week, I don't know what made me put it on but it's brilliant
  20. We have taken over the project of cataloguing CS at Shyguy's World. The CS List project now has it's own dedicated staff team and is being updated continually to both remain up-to-date with current releases, and fill all gaps from the past. We are also working to restore a stable link to all sets with dead downloads.Link
  21. AdamY


    Found out today that I got in to my school's A Capella group! Considering there are nine members from a school of 840 and I've been hoping against hope for this for so long, I am currently on cloud nine
  22. Interesting to note in that cross-site picture that all the lift hill footers are done and ready to accept supports. Still an annoying number stacked at the side though.
  23. They would have been posted if there were. Hopefully this means we will see some lift hill next week.
  24. Forgot to mention that in my TR from Wednesday actually, the front door of the Asylum was open then as I walked past - very exciting to be able to see that sign on the wall and just imagine turning left and walking down that corridor
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