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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. Did someone say epic interaction?
  2. AdamY

    The Smiler

    ^ I saw talk of an Intamin Shoot the Chute (a la Cedar Point's Shoot The Rapids) being thrown around as an idea somewhere for replacing the flume on a different site in 2012, then SW7 taking up the Flume's site in 2013. That would be pretty cool but probably too costly to happen in reality.And Sidders, it's LSM
  3. AdamY

    The Smiler

    In my previous post I meant literally identical types of ride - I highly doubt Merlin would refuse Alton a Blitz if they wanted one just because of Saw. Also I think it's different enough in terms of experience to Rita that it could happen - Rita being an actual launch coaster with nothing else to go on, whereas Maverick still technically is a normal lift hill and drop for the first portion of the ride.I don't know, it was just a suggestion...
  4. This year's D23 Expo is now in full swing in Anaheim, and all the juicy gossip is starting to filter through! Not all the presentations are complete yet but some have been given which have touched on projects such as Shanghai Disneyland, Cars Land and the DCA rehab, and of course, New Fantasyland!The latest large-scale Imagineering model of New Fantasyland is on display, which the Disney Parks Blog released a short video of: So what are you thinking? Let me guess... "Hey, that was cool. Too short to see anything though..." Enter Inside The Magic! Also, we've got the first official glimpse of the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train ride system. Here's a CG partial ride-through: Finally for now, a look at the Design and Development phase of creating the new trains: Hopefully more to come!
  5. AdamY

    The Smiler

    I'm thinking it won't be, otherwise surely we would have got the flyer in 08/09 - I thought the reason we didn't get that was because Merlin didn't want to duplicate between the parks... I wanted it so badly too... Forever bitter. :lol:Only thing that makes me slightly wary here is the 'past victory' line possibly referencing Th13teen. Plus, I think a blitz the size of Maverick might fit very nicely on that site... It's the only type of Intamin I'd actually like to see at either Thorpe or Alton in the future.
  6. AdamY

    The Smiler

    Let's just all be grateful that it didn't mention Black's Marauders 'going for a spin' or words to that effect... Imagine the carnage that would have ensued. There would have been fanboy blood everywhere.
  7. AdamY

    The Smiler

    This is all very interesting... Intriguing, you might say! It reminds me a bit of Hershey's viral campaign for Skyrush.
  8. I really doubt they will, even though I brought them up.
  9. First and third are magic, Sidders! And only one of mine was in a theme park Surprisingly enough, the palm tree one and the one following it were in my back garden!
  10. I didn't know about this either! Oops, might spam a teeny tiny bit I'd agree with Sidders the Lumix series are good, or Nikon Coolpix although I haven't used one myself.Also, some contributions...Promise I won't post that many in future but you know, catching up and all Might have to post a few more holiday shots at some point though...
  11. You really must excuse my single-handed upkeep of this thread but...306' B&M <3B&M go giga with an amazing looking stretched and elegant-ified hyper but taller! Some rather lovely looking low-down sweeping curves too. Maybe slightly pointless next to Behemoth but I don't care :lol:Announcement: POV: Off-ride: I know haters gonna hate but personally I love it. Sooo sleek
  12. Funny, when I went a few days before going on holiday (27th ish) there were some really excellent staff around. They were much more chatty than usual, and seemed to really be enjoying themselves. It was very nice to see.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised to see the area looking pretty temporary and abandoned through 2012, with a new flat there in 2013. I expect there'll be a central area fenced off, with extra path space created around both sides of it a la Storm Surge. Seems so stupid and unnecessary when the Fungle site sits empty at the back of the park, which with the approval of the MTDP at the same time as LC12's approval also became greenlit for a flat (Slightly OT, but how the hell do they propose to fit a flat between Zodiac and the start of the Saw path behind Crust!? Some of the proposed locations on the MTDP seem highly unlikely!).Silly Thorpe...
  14. Pure conjecture on my part... B&M have never used them before, I was just suggesting it as a possibility.
  15. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    I'm now genuinely worried I'll hate her new show. She just isn't herself any more. I can only say again... I miss Fame Gaga. Sad times.
  16. You can kinda see Superman's here:Photo from RCDB here.And Lantern's here (the green things)...Photo from TPR here.
  17. AdamY


    Here's something to diffuse the situation!
  18. Sidders, you can't have gone wrong because I just double checked using the height scale on the side of the plan and came out with 6.85m so I think you're bang on. This would, seemingly, leave a reach envelope of just 15 cm each side of the train at 6.8m. The only thing I can think is that either our little Italian friend was rounding and just gave an approximation, or that figure includes the reach envelope. On one of the pieces of concept art for Raptor which was included in one of the videos you could see the envelope drawn on a plan of the tree near miss element, but I don't think it'd be possible to get a high enough resolution to read what that was.Edit: This was it:Turns out it didn't have figures on it anyway. What it does show though, is that the reach envelope is not just 15cm. Unless... Thorpe could be planning to put those arm covers on the side of the restraints on the outermost seats, like on Green Lantern and Superman Escape From Krypton at Magic Mountain, which prevent any arms reaching out of the train. Those would mean the envelope need only literally fit the train and no more.
  19. Have you seriously posted 31 times today or is that a mistake?

  20. ^ Raptor has one, just on the downward run off the airtime hill.Going back a bit to the discussion about the aeroplane... I was just looking back over the plans, and they seem to have come up with a solution to this. The aircraft depicted is quad-engined (with two still 'above ground'), and if you look at the outermost one on the plans, it is offset downwards significantly from the wing rather than being mounted on it. It sits on the ground, and is connected to the wing with some bit of twisted metal. I guess this was done to provide the required support to the outermost ~9 metres which stick out past this point.Until this latest look at the plans for it, I hadn't really realised how bloody huge this thing will be... It's massive. The highest extent of the wing sticks out to nearly the height of Saw's station building, and the wing is 23.5 m long... Wow! Also hadn't noticed that the track flies between the two engines... Going to be very tight!Last thing... Unless Merlin Studios just have a funny way with words, this is going to be produced specially rather than bought scrap. In the "Key hazards and risks" part of the info panel it says... So if it's being 'manufactured', I guess we're not buying an old chunk of rust, possibly for safety or structural reasons.Including plan drawing to help reference my above points...
  21. This past week or two, parks' 2012 projects seem to have really kicked up a gear, and track has now arrived at Hershey for Skyrush:Pic: CF hereI like the colour! Also, the track gauge looks a bit more meaty for the new (presumably heavier) trains compared to that on I305 and Formula Rossa... Will be interesting, if slightly pointless. Always nice to see new concepts.Speaking of which...PicThis be on a piece of the new B&M at Canada's Wonderland... It looks like this really might be B&M's first giga coaster. Insane. The announcement is tomorrow...2012 might just be the coolest year ever - LC12, Asterix Invert, Dollywood wingrider, Canada's wonderland giga, and just because it sounds a bit weird, Skyrush! Lots to look forward to!And one unfortunate piece of news to finish off. In the wake of some idiot being stupid, my favourite pair of coasters is ruined. Yay. From Click Orlando
  22. Yes, and lots are my answers! If everyone thinks the helicopter turnaround is going to be so intense I wouldn't be surprised to see one after the inclined loop, but that's the only place I think one would make sense really.
  23. We should also consider the reason that many parks, for example some of the American parks, have 3 trains for a coaster that runs 2 / 4 trains for a coaster running 3. AFAIK no other manufacturers do this, but B&M insist that each train is fully stripped and examined after each year of running (and that's 365 days from first use, so even if you ran it on 1st Jan then not again until October, it would still need to be done in December). As a result, parks like Busch Gardens Tampa or Islands of Adventure which both have 3 B&Ms but don't have a closed season have to have an extra train which is always the one being stripped and examined. Thorpe simply don't need it because we have a closed season, so both can be done at the same time between November and March. If they want to run two trains, they buy two.I'm fully expecting someone to now ask "Why does Stealth have three then?", to which my answer is I have no clue.
  24. After an interesting conversation in chat I thought I'd make this poll. So, do you worry about the chemicals in your food and drink? Do you perish at the thought of preservatives? Do you find additives abhorrent? Or do you knock back the e-numbers and aspartame without a care in the world?Discuss!
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