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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. I like the white; it highlights the details more effectively than if the eye was drawn to some massive black patch on the flat part of the wall.
  2. AdamY


    Gonna get hate but haters gonna hate, LOVE this song
  3. B&M, welcome back to England Woohoo!
  4. Well yes, you can go down either in front of GS or past Fish. The real question is the fate of the path straight down from the dome, which I have a nasty feeling will be blocked off by this new snack place next to the Swarm bridge.
  5. It took me until last year to realise I really love Oblivion. I was surprised when I did Sheikra how floaty and generally lacking in dynamics it was, it was as if you couldn't feel you were moving because every element is so huge. Blivvy on the other hand, is tiny and forceful and amazing Had a great couple of rides on it towards the end of last season and am looking forward to more this year.I finally feel like part of the family, all I need to do now is learn to hate Charlie and I'll be a proper enthusiast like!
  6. It takes some skill to look worse than Hulk did. Or Kumba, perhaps I still stand by what I've always said though - Colossus and Air; same year, same colour. Compare them both now!
  7. Lol. Medals. Cups. Pens.Condoms.[/thread]
  8. Intamin have got the old track measurer out so they know what width to build the trains. Technological genius at work.
  9. I love that flyer so much, it's beautiful. If I ever pluck up the courage to pay the reds a visit, I'm totally on that thing
  10. That Papa John's one is pure genius. I must do this to someone
  11. AdamY


    Something a little different; being in an A Capella group myself I like the style generally, but I'm a massive fan of these four ladies, they're amazing. It's hard to pick one song to post here out of the dozens on their Youtube because they're all excellent, but here's a medley for starters: A few other favourites if anyone wants more would be In Time, My Girl (not strictly a capella but still brilliant) and Rhythm of the Falling Rain. Enjoy
  12. I'm gonna try to be there, but I'm super super busy in March already so not sure yet. Question which may help me work things out: will ERT start at 5 sharp or will it start after the GP queue remaining at 5 has been emptied?
  13. That would be really cool actually, if the wing acted a bit like The Hulk's fog tunnel with smoke coming out of the engine(s). Also if the flames are coming from the fire truck, that would be a sensible place for the smoke effect to be so you might have just guessed it there. Here's hoping!
  14. To quote a crazy guy from a recently deceased ride at Universal, Jesus H. Johnson Christ! That roar is insane. Also good to see that the beams the seats are supported on are themed as wings and look quite nice. Makes it even stranger they left the rest though.Woden's tunnel theming and station look wonderful too.
  15. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    See my rather important edit above!! But yes. At least one day I'll be there 9am.Oh and Liam, be a dear and come to London rather than being stuck in Manchester or whatever - marvel in the glory of The O2 :PEDIT Just leaked apparently:April 27 - Seoul, South KoreaJune 13 - Brisbane, AustraliaJune 20 - Sydney, AustraliaJune 21 - Sydney, AustraliaJune 27 - Melbourne, AustraliaJune 28 - Melbourne, Australia
  16. AdamY

    Lady GaGa

    They're 7pm tonight actually. I'm stoked, although the rumour of a European start seemed to be quashed some time ago in favour of the Asia start... But who knows. However, if that is true given she's only releasing the first round of dates today, it could well be that we see nothing for London tonight.
  17. There are pictures of the woodie around here somewhere. I'm still more gutted that the flyer that was planned after the woodie was also shelved in favour of the stupid eurofighter. Actually, saying stupid eurofighter has made me think of something, but it's completely off topic so I'll continue that elsewhere.On topic, smoke effects if used in a good place will be EPIC. I love smoke effects
  18. The way the chopper was photographed in the Studios workshop with the rotor mechanism and housing in various states of dismantlement, then back together and new-looking when installed has certainly boosted my hopes slightly that the rotor will indeed be moving. Plus someone said somewhere recently that they thought the helicopter was getting it's own effects didn't they, so it wouldn't surprise me
  19. That all looks well and truly amazing. I love the massive burn marks, explosion splodge type bits and extra decal details on the helicopter. Great work! Now as Mark said, February needs to gtfo ^_^Also, the mystery box area SW7 passes through a couple of times has some serious work to do
  20. Sarah, they're brilliant. I like the first and last the best.Random picture time, just found this that I took in the crazy fog a few weeks back:
  21. AdamY

    Snowy Pictures

    Here are a couple from a year or two ago, can't remember exactly when:
  22. I don't care if people call it pointless, forceless or anything else-less, it's pwettyful <3
  23. Ah this ride just can't stop being epic! Everything about it is just on another level.Shame I realised a few days ago that thanks to having to be at a musical tech rehearsal I can't come on opening Saturday, grrr. But it shall wait for me, for it is awesome and won't break after a few hours.<333
  24. Also surprised no one has mentioned the shipping container of doom on the left! But it does look zair nice, the dirt mound was a good idea to solve the wing problem.
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