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Everything posted by Coasterfreck

  1. Coasterfreck


    saw alive was called the worlds frist exstrem all year round horror maze
  2. hi there acotionaly tidal wave only uses one car / boat
  3. just to let you know it only applys on 27-31 of october and I will attend but you might not see me therecoasterfrek
  4. there was one on the fish a couple of years ago
  5. I now why its because Colossus and nemesis inferno are older so they dont have the stop start chain ability like saw the ride and also it depends onthe company that makes the ride and if thorpe origanaly wanted the chains to stop where gerserlator the company beind saw the ride has allways had a stopstart lift hill only on the euro fighter type
  6. I know butI replied to another persons coment and I am not a good spellerand the kobra and the griffins galleon do the same sort of thing except the spin where the black buccaneer dosent
  7. butlegoland have just recently made a priate themed area and I dont think merlin would pay more for another one at chessington
  8. I can honistley say I have never been on the black buccaneer I find the look of it intimerdating butI like the kobra and griffins galleon they are like the buccaneer but they spin so they dont look very intimerdating
  9. I world build a new park in seaton, devon because its such a nice place and a theme park would be quite nice down there.
  10. I agree with Sheepie because the name stands out better and the colour scheme was also great tobecause if you look at peeking heights from diferent areas you could make out the colour of ECLIPSE
  11. The Kobra at Chessington is amazing, each seat you sit in makes the ride feel very different. I would recommend the Kobra to anyone, the company behind the Kobra is Zamperla. They also made the Edge at Paultons Park.Paultons Park have a wild mouse ride by gerserlator called cobra were the KOBRA at Cessingtonis a disk"0"coasterThe KOBRA is almost my favourite ride at chessington read my profile to see what my favourite ridesour at Cessington, Thorpe Park, Alton Towers and Legoland.
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