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Everything posted by MikeyT

  1. MikeyT


    Lol, you can say whatever you like about Lady Gaga, but she is incredibly talented and unlike many other artists, sings live. Also, if Pink can do it, suspended upside down, spinning and flying through the air, then there really aren't any excuses anymore.Love them both.
  2. Urrm no because I'm trying to get away from lamb talk. Lol!

    Keith I'm well hungry, you must help me. And be nice ;-)

    Thinking of going chessington later this week to get some photos of the entrance works.

  3. MikeyT


    Wow James cheers for that. I was geektastic and kept pausing the video. Trains look great, simple lap bar design, hope they're okay with my long legs! Proof will be in the riding I suppose.Alex was making me cringe in that video, ahah. When he was talking though, take a look at that air time hill- how low it is compared to the track around it. There will be some intense air time there. Noticed some lights inside the station, looks nice and creepy, let's hope not too much light creeps in from the outside. Excited? Much!Edit- actually if you look closely it does look as though there could be some kind of door that opens on dispatch.
  4. MikeyT


    Would you like to elaborate? We'd all like to know what you think.
  5. MikeyT


    I'm still on the fence with the Rita retheme; I'm still not sure if I like it yet.After talking to a friend about it, we agreed that there is something sinister about nature taking over man made environments, sort of like, nature claiming back the land that was once theirs'. I think the public will like it.
  6. Aww I just watched your vlog on youtube. I liked it! :D

  7. If you've ever been on Duel: Live, then that's an indication, although the original had many more effects. If you love Duel then I think you'd love the Haunted Mansion/ Phantom Manor at the Disney parks.
  8. MikeyT


    Guys honestly, in the most polite way possible, all you have to do is go back one page and that will answer any doubts about restraint type and many other questions about the ride.
  9. MikeyT


    Yep it's a true event that's happening. All good for marketting their new ride.
  10. MikeyT


    Minisite.Loving the promotional image on the far left at the top. Loving the whole look of it, too. Also, there's snow on the ground in one of the pics, suggesting they were taken a while ago, unless it's snowed since Friday up there.
  11. Haha, well it doesn't, I just love the crooked nature of it though.
  12. Interesting fact for you, the whole Potter project has a price tag of $200 Million, which works out at £126 million approx. Mega money! Blackstone like splashing out on Universal :wub:This was in the telegraph today. Aerial view of Hogsmeade.Photo of the Owlery, look at how it defies gravity Courtesy of Samuele at Orlando United.
  13. MikeyT


    Actually, yeah you're right, I can see 10 rows too, hmm *redoes calculations*
  14. MikeyT


    Ahh I was just coming to post that!! :wub:I love them! 10 rows of 2, so 20 people per train, therefore we can work out the average ride time, because I'm clearly that sad. Seriously though, those trains are sexy!Edit- So, with 3 trains we're looking at roughly 2 minutes of ride time, with 1 minute of unload/onload time. That gives us a throughput of exactly 1200.With 4 trains you're looking at a ride time that's closer to 2 and a half minutes.
  15. MikeyT


    So the Grammies were last night.Among the winners were Beyonce, who won 6! Including one for best R&B performance and album. Taylor Swift won 4, including best country performance and album of the year!I'm very angry because Black Eyed Peas won best Pop Vocal album over Pink, The Fray, and Kelly Clarkson!
  16. MikeyT


    I'm becoming so obsessed with Dexter, been watching it online. Phwoarrr he is also extremely yummy :(I also heard he has cancer
  17. For anyone interested, the North Entrance of the park is completely cordoned off right now due to the planned refurb for that area. Lots of trees removed and things are already starting to look better.I was in the car so I was unable to grab a picture.
  18. MikeyT


    From the pictures, I take it to believe that Rita will become an abandonned race track that has been taken over by the Dark Forest.
  19. MikeyT


    Can I just add, certain things are bugging me around here lately, with members repeating bits of infomation when they've been said literally 5 posts up from their post. My mind really does boggle because surely people do read the last page or so to see if anything similar has been brought up? Even if you're new to discussion, surely if you're really that passionate about something you will read all you can about it? Perhaps that's just me.I keep having dreams about Thirteen, think I might have mentioned that, the most reccent one though, there was some kind of symbol on the right hand side wall, and there was lots of green light. Also quite a bit of demonic laughter echoing though the building, especially as the ground was pulled away from us. Haha mad times!
  20. MikeyT


    There have been various rumours over the last 12 months about Thirteen. This has been one of them. It's not exactly ground- breaking news although if you're new to the speculation then I suppose it is.It's not officially confirmed, others say it may be a variation of the drop mechanism, kind of like a see- saw.
  21. Mmmmmmm... LOL!

  22. Oh I'm gonna send those Ghost Busters.

    As long as you take pictures of it all I'll be happy. ;-)

  23. I do get a bit frustrated when I read things accross sites saying that people are no longer interested in Chessington. The past two seasons have been the busiest and most successful since 2000!Judging by that article posted a few days ago on CoasterForce, I'm guessing there are no immediate plans to re- theme Bubbleworks. Perhaps when the time comes to merge those surrounding areas in to their respective continental theme, the attraction will be reviewed.
  24. Urr he better come back because I'll miss him very much! Look after him =P

    Actually I'm gonna send someone with you because you two are clearly going to do something stupid! Haha!

  25. MikeyT


    Haha oh don't get me started. It's a side affect of me getting older okay :(They were some very good times though, I remember that day very well. Mostly 2007 was a great year for me, started going downhill ever since
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