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Everything posted by MikeyT

  1. It might not even be open at this rate dude. I'm sure Alton will be more than happy to give you complimentary Ultimate Fastrack on Th13teen once all the technical issues have been sorted.
  2. *Prays for Inferno bass cannons to be working to their full potential*
  3. STUPID Alton cancelling this event :DHaha, honestly though, we're now pretty much getting what we booked, but for free now, so I suppose it's not so bad. Our group may be going to Blackpool now for booze and clubs
  4. MikeyT


    Wahhh, I am now acting in Tom Spindler's MASKS on the 5th/6th/7th May. So excited! Please come and visit
  5. 2010 Park MapHigh quality PDF version of this year's park map. I think I just died!
  6. ^ Haha those faces made me laugh, look at the angry face go!I love Awesome variety of ride hardware and technology The music specifically composed for the park Fright Nights lighting Retail staff The general atmosphere when you're with friends Amity I hateThe minority of rude staff who give the other staff a bad reputation The disgusting state of scenery and special effects across the park Fastrack How I feel as though I'm getting ill half way through the day Franchised Fast Food Staff Cattlepen queue lines
  7. I had a similar problem when I was using Internet Explorer. The problem solved itself when I switched over to Firefox!
  8. MikeyT


    Haha! I loved this post. I want a like button!Tonight I made homemade vegetable soup, and it was effin' amazing
  9. MikeyT


    This topic is pretty alarming. I'm not one for usually judging people or making assumptions but I can't help it over the internet.... life is too short to be hacking into somebody's account though, really.As for the plan though... looks interesting. I don't think I could ever see Thorpe doing a completely immersive attraction such as a Haunted House, and I've accepted that. Thorpe is more and more reminding me of a hybrid between a Six Flags park and Cedar Point.I agree with James in that Alton does have a more diverse selection of rides, I can't see how anybody could disagree in all honesty. However I do believe Thorpe have gone too far in the direction of the young teenage audience to try and add anything like a family dark ride. Of course dark rides can be intense, but we shall see.I remember in the last MTDP, other coasters were used as guides for future applications... such as using the Xcellarator layout for Stealth and the original 2008 coaster had Air's layout. As long as the attractions are good, and well thought out, I don't really mind. It's what I've come to expect from Thorpe now anyways.
  10. MikeyT


    Just got back from a 6 hour shift at Samaritans. Friggin' exhausted.
  11. Okay people, everyone breathe! There, better?I think people only intended to be tongue in cheek about it, and I doubt there was any actual intention for anyone to be nasty. But once again the internet barrier blocks our judgement of the tone in which something is said.Exams are stressful, granted, but Gemma will have much fun at Mika, won't you Gemma?
  12. Your luck couldn't get any worse? Are you being serious?
  13. Just to clear things up. The admissions areas aren't themed around Wild Asia, it's more the generic 'gateway to adventure' look they've gone for. It's a brand that's being used well throughout the website and I imagine through all promotional mediums as well.For instance when they get around to doing a European themed area, I doubt they'd be re- theming it to represent European architecture!
  14. Well this is absolutely fantastic. Looking through the site- I'm loving all the promotional images there, and all the little concept art for Wild Asia in the drop down menus. Awesome site, well done to all involved.
  15. Yaay, as predicted then!*That's good because Chessington includes the zoo and is part of the branding. It's not a separate entity all together.*My alter-ego, Sheepie may have predicted it
  16. Haha well we managed to cope for so many years! Hmm You've inspired me to listen to Inferno Dispatch.... oh yes!
  17. MikeyT


    By far the best version of 7 Nation Army I've heard!
  18. MikeyT


    I joined in the days when I went out with Phillip! Haha now that is strange times!It's TODAY. Leaving in just under 3 hours to see Kelly Clarkson. I think I'm gonna have a Kelgasm! Multiple Kelgasms. Ahhhh help me.
  19. MikeyT


    Plus it's also very rare for a ride to reach its theoretical throughput an hour. Situations and problems arise, sometimes putting quite a bit of pressure on ride attendants and operators, therefore, as a consequence, throughput has to be compromised in order for the situations to be resolved.For example, Rameses has a theoretical throughput of 500 an hour, in reality it is more commonly about 300 an hour.
  20. MikeyT


    Me too Ryan! Just enough to grab hold of. :PUrrm okay I didn't mean for that to sound as bad as it did
  21. Yeah I usually go in September. It's cool. I think it's gonna be a special year for Alton this year, 30 years :D

  22. Lol quality. Hope you had a great time. We should all go in a few months once Thirteen has broken in a little. That's if we can all afford it!

  23. MikeyT


    ROFL!! It sounds well immature but I've been laughing at this for the past 10 minutes!
  24. MikeyT


    Well, that was certainly random! ^Glad your cat is okay though.
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