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Everything posted by MikeyT

  1. Woops, yeah you're right. Hopefully computer whizz Ian or Marc will be able to fix it soon!
  2. You have to click it twice.
  3. Let me be the first to say that I think you're well brave to say something like that on a forum.Chronic masturbation is often seen as a laughing matter, in fact it isn't really. For some people it's an addiction, just as serious as smoking and drugs. Tidear, you say you're 15 and a half, this may well be something you grow out of as you grow older. However there is no certainty that you will.I'm guessing it will get to a stage where it may start to affect your everyday life, in which case, it's your choice what you decide to do really, but there are peolpe who are trained to deal with this sort of thing.Basshunter used to masturbate 25 times a day- he was a chronic oooojamaflipper too!And I really hope that your original post was genuine and not some massive, wind up/ sick joke!
  4. Ha as if you just called me a goon!

  5. Ahh haha that would make sense! Chris I'm very angry that I'm unable to upload a picture. Lol, I also need a weee, just to keep you updated on my toiletry habbits.

  6. Well deserved as well I think. Definately my fave out of all the coasters I've been on. Just.
  7. MikeyT


    Ahh cheers Aero! Nice to know some kind of alter- ego is more liked than myself I'm oh so appreciated around these parts.
  8. MikeyT


    Oit you leave Sheepie alone. Haven't known him very long, but I already consider him one of my very close friends! Top bloke
  9. Urrm! Why isn't my comment showing up? Angry much!

  10. Chris! I have indeed. I am so so so looking forward to it. And I think Alton are by the sounds of them when they phoned.

    Weeeee :D

  11. MikeyT


    Go on, block him, he deserves it!
  12. Wooops, I haven't voted for anyone yet, Check your inbox James!
  13. MikeyT


    Currently dog-sitting for my auntie. Just discovered he's hurt his paw. One of his claws seems to be split quite badly. Vets aren't open until Monday. Well worried about him.
  14. Hi Biiz!Yeah people round here are very friendly. It's great to be part of a community who share similar passions.Anyways, warm welcome to you, have fun on the forums
  15. I reckon it'd pay homage to a game called Sonic Pinball, personally.
  16. MikeyT


    Happy New Year!Not hungover!
  17. Just a quick reminder that this thread is for discussion of Sonic Spinball, the rumoured retheme for Spinball Whizzer.
  18. Well if you ever fancy a chat then my PM box is always open
  19. It sounds horrible, but there are a lot of people out there who are either naive about life, or ignorant about issues they can't begin to understand. It's sad, but all too true.It's a shame us human beings assume things and stereotype, sometimes we mean no harm by it and can't help it, everyone does it at some point. It can be really difficult when you do get people who are a bit ignorant though, I think if people had a little knowledge of the consequences of their actions, then people would be a little more aware of what they say and do.
  20. MikeyT


    Awesome! What did you have to do?
  21. Haha, yeah I agree with a lot of your comments Graeme, although I don't think Saw is a bad ride. I do believe we could have had more substance to Saw had the money not been spent on the rights to the film.Like Sheepie, I'm hoping the Sonic theme will be something short term. I'm sure it'll be fun none the less.
  22. If Sega are sponsoring the ride, then indeed they would pay for it!
  23. I've heard these rapids rumours before, but not the indoor parts of Kobra. I really would love Chessington to have a rapid style ride though. Either a traditional style one or one of Intamins super duper ones :)Perhaps this would be better suited to the future topic, General Future DiscussionRapids Rumours
  24. I'll have to disagree somewhat, I know that they have tried to sort it out in the past. It's something that has been noticed, and it will get fixed, eventually, I'm sure.I guess it's Chessington's smaller version of Thorpe's link issue. Some people say it's fixed.... pah yeah right
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