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Everything posted by MikeyT

  1. Haha and Chessington's PR is well and truely in full swing again.
  2. MikeyT


    Who now has to watch what he says in his posts
  3. MikeyT


    Haha Marc I think you're on your own there! :)4 days until Kelly Clarkson
  4. MikeyT


    It's really late, but I have just remembered! Today is single's awareness day! Happy Single's awareness day everyone
  5. So as you may know, I've been well bored the past few days, so I did a few drawings, they turned out okay. So I started this one a while ago. Based on the Thirteen Station.Or is it Hitler?
  6. From what A-Kid said I'm guessing that the new speakers were playing the new park theme.
  7. You're twisting what people are saying a bit. Nobody wants the music to go, just a creative reshuffle to create more of a dramatic atmosphere. Having an ambient loading track, then having the full orchestral impact of the dispatch theme, makes much more of an event out of it. I believe they tried to do this in 2007, where they had a loading track, which was supposed to stop upon dispatch, however, project link stopped us from appreciating what could have been an awesome effect.
  8. Been well bored the past couple of days so I made a
  9. MikeyT


    I felt the same way as you at first, but have grown to like the theme. I see it as Thirteen having it's own separate story, but the Dark Forest itself is an area that is being reclaimed by nature and being taken by time, therefore personifying these processes. It's quite a sinister thought.I really hope that the green shed part of Thirteen gets its supposed scaffolding and sheet covering, nobody quite understands how much it stresses me out to see unthemed tin sheds! At least with Nemesis and Colossus they sort of blend in and you don't notice them when you're on the ride.
  10. I fear some people were expecting too much. It gives the ride a bit of a freshen up, gives Towers something to promote for Feb Half Term, and it's very likely it'll be moving within the next few years. I seems though Towers did have a few issues yesterday so I think little things will be worked out over the week.
  11. MikeyT


    Haha, well that was fun Thought it needed some actual randomness before we got ourselves into another rant thread
  12. Great post. Abolsutely agree with everything you've said. I did make a list of all the broken effects a while ago. It's pretty depressing really, let's see how many are working at the start of 2010 :)I get so passionate about Inferno, it has so much potential to be Thorpe's most dramatic coaster. I used to seriously actually have a heart attack every time the dispatch sequence started, it was brilliant.
  13. MikeyT


    On the ning nang nong, where the cows go bong and the monkies say boo
  14. Haha he said he's a bit worried. Make sure he comes back in one piece though. I would actually die without James!

  15. Ahh it's okay! =) =)

    In a weird happy calmy walmy floaty mood for some reason. =

    No drugs taken though.

    Speak soon yes. x

  16. Keithy. Hope you're okay :)

  17. Haha Welsh there are tons of hidden Mickey's about apparently, yet I've never actually spotted them. I'm usuakky so overwhelmed with all the special effects and scenery the Disney attractions have, I don't get a chance to look closely for hidden Mickeys. Islands of Adventure though is awesome for little hidden gems. Such as people talking in shop windows, references to other areas of the park and attractions, symbols all over Port of Entry. Seriously it's fantastic. IOA has Google Street View so if you want to go and explore for yourself then I'd highly reccomend it. I spent hours last night just looking at it. It's just spectacular.I'd reccomend any of the Epcot World Showcase restaurants, just pick a culture and experience their food. Mmmmm. You've got Mythos at Islands of Adventure, and I imagine the Three Broomsticks (Wizarding World) will be stunning when it opens in May.So much to choose from!
  18. With the parks constantly changing and adding new attractions, it can be a stretch to get everything you want done within the space of two weeks. I went last year in a big family group. Never will I go in a big group again because there are just too many arguments and it's impossible to do everything that everyone wants to do. In the end we ended up splitting up and doing different things each day. It's very important to make an itinary, plan what parks you want to do on which days, that way you can plan in the odd rest day. Obviously you know this Welsh as you've been three times before. Obviously you've got the Universal Parks and Busch Gardens for your major thrill rides. Then you've got the Disney Parks where you can't really go wrong because there's something for everyone.You said you wanted to ease your brother's girlfriend in to the parks. Well Magic Kingdom would be a fantastic place to start, nothing exceptionally thrilling there, just lots of fun. In fact Magic Kingdom is a great way to kick off the entire holiday, couldn't think of any other way to do it. The view you get whilst walking down mainstreet... you know you're in for a special holiday. It sounds pathetic but I actually teared up last year, it was that overwhelming, and I've been before!The Disney and Sea World parks are obviously much more varied than some of the other parks because there is more to do than just rides. In fact Sea World, Animal Kingdom and Epcot only have 3 major rides, yet you can easily fill a day there. I could personally spend two days just exploring the World Showcase at Epcot, it's just simply wonderful, plenty of shows, entertainment, restaurants and little surprises just begging to be explored. Love it. Staff are great at Epcot too.If I had to choose I would pick one of the Disney waterparks (Blizard Beach is lush) and skip Aquatica for another day at a park or simply just lounging about wherever you're staying. It's good to just lounge about for an odd day.Okay I will stop talking now, I could actually go on rambling about Orlando for pages and pages but don't want to bore anyone. If you wanna chat more Welsh then just drop me a message
  19. MikeyT


    Kelly Clarkson in 10 days!! Choo chooo! Oh Yeah....Let's go round again! Thanks for riding, my lovely runaway trainers. Byeee byeeeee.
  20. Hey James, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to notice your comment! Aw no, can I help at all? You know where I am if you need it =)

    Haha, what happened on your train journey?

  21. Haha, you actually have no idea! GO PAUL! :)On my related Kelly Clarkson rant, it annoys me so much when people don't see past the weight thing. Rather than comment on her amazing voice and knock out performances, people always comment on how they think she looks fat.She is not fat, or even overweight, but because she isn't stick thin like some other people in the music industry- particularly in pop, people will always point it out. I tell ya, it doesn't even enter my mind when I'm watching her perform, I just get totally mesmorised by her and appreciate the gift that she has.I think it's very inspring for people to see celebs in the industry to be curvy, and a healthy weight, there's too much pressure for, especially young people who are always exposed to people who aren't much bigger than a size zero. I believe people should feel happy about the way they look, perhaps having more people in the media who are actually an ideal weight, and not underweight will make people feel a lot better about themselves.
  22. Haha, that Simps100 is slacking :DIt'd be great to get a couple of group rides before we all split up in to our different groups this time. You know it's bound to happen, it's too big a group to stay together all the time, but it'd be nice for just a couple of rides, at least! :DPlease?
  23. MikeyT


    Okay so there are 3 websites not working for me now. Haven't been since yesterday. Facebook, photobucket, and Windows Live Mail. It's making me so angry. There are 73 messages that need to be read!
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