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Everything posted by Benin

  1. The price of these you might ask? THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ENGLISH POUNDS. Insanity. And it'll sell out by 12:05.
  2. Cedar Point could've done things differently by not employing bloody Zamperla. Weekends are the main issue with that one. Hell we missed out on the Friday because RAP allocation was fully booked by time I got home. However from what I've seen the actual RAP situation on parks has improved a fair amount. Thorpe are the only ones really sticking to the "pre-book only" thing as well, which I do commend them for.
  3. If they didn't provide a rough date then people would moan about that too. Probably something got delayed to prevent the planned date(s) from happening. Or they assumed they wouldn't need to do a lot of testing again. Project management can be a right pain. But maybe they'll reopen it before I get a response from them regarding my visit.
  4. Went against yesterday to raid the Nemesis shop and the CBeebies event. Weird day for queues, still a bit of an issue with staff not signing RAP correctly or at all in some cases. Reliability of rides not great but Galactica was being operated superbly and was walk on in the afternoon. Blivvy and Smiler both got evacuated in the day and we were fortunately walking past X Sector when Blivvy reopened. Was still having problems so loads left but waited about 15 mins for it to start up. Rapids were down all day (as well as the 3 rides advertised as such). Wickerman and Nemesis both running outstandingly well. CBeebies event was cute and lil one enjoyed it. Can't ask for much more. Good day all in all.
  5. After watching a minute and a half of them patting themselves on the back for how well opening day went it made any apology feel insincere. As @Mark9 said, rubbing noses in those of us who weren't able to attend on the day. The sole focus of the video should've been regarding the 2 week closure with no mention of anything else.
  6. Thorpe joining in on the classic YouTube non-apology video train. Spent more time going on about how good opening day was than anything else.
  7. Someone has claimed something to do with the lift chain. Which given that we've seen engineers on said lift hill and it was making a racket when open isn't a big stretch. Someone's put a camera in front of her whilst making a cuppa?
  8. Probably be tomorrow and very last minute unless its 100% fixed. They'll be desperate for it to reopen for any of Half Term.
  9. Benin


    Went to Legoland on Friday (RAP at Thorpe was fully booked by time could book it. So that went well). It's. Weird. Speedway is so weirdly positioned though a fun coaster with more weird loading procedures. Landscaping is an absolute disaster though. Miniland looks a fair old state still and the abandoned Viking Rapids is just... ew... RAP is also a real faff on some attractions. It's shocking that newer ones have seemingly zero consideration towards how these will be incorporated. Monster Party you have to leave wheelchairs in the pre show room then grab it after the pre show after your ride has finished. What's the point in that? Ninjago has the "go on onload issue" that seems prevalent recently and Sky Lion also had weird loading procedures. Also there were like, no staff to scan the RAP codes. So that meant abuse could be rife (not that it would've worked on Ninjago since you join a 20 minute queue anyway, thats dumb). Strange park. Will go back when lil 'un has hit 0.9m.
  10. I believe management were at the front of the queue throwing Fastracks at people. Probably no one passed the information to the plaza or were prepared to divert everyone. A manager only turned up to Tacotaria after we found out and were moving away. Happy to lap up the adoration but when it goes wrong nowhere to be found. Sounds very familiar. Think they were fortunate that a number of guests Saturday were goons who had already ridden as Guest Services wasn't rammed. One thing positive is that they're still standing firm on the pre-booking RAP. Whilst we were sorting our official complaint there were a few chancing their luck and none were given out. Shame that the staff weren't always signing the cards properly still.
  11. We did not as we weren't in the "proper" queue, which is an amazing cop out given there were no staff stopping people joining the route when they opened. Last minute maybe but given it hadn't tested once in the hour we'd been there definitely should've had management further up the queueline. Shall see what happens with our complaint. They have provided an opportunity to rebook RAP on any day up to 30th September regardless of being fully booked.
  12. Park just confirmed its broken until 29th May. Really borked.
  13. This sums up Merlin nicely.
  14. Yeah this morning didn't go well. The lack of communication on park is a failure of basic customer service. The socials announcement happened at the same time the plaza holding pens were let loose, and when we got to Tacotaria another guest (from the numbers leaving the queue) told us the news. That is a lot of space where no staff where located either to redirect or inform, and that is unacceptable given the general consensus on yesterday. Very disappointed. Especially with the usual "well you have a MAP" response. We are not local or easily able to organise a visit given personal circumstances (especially when they were handing out Fastrack to people lucky enough to be kicked out the "proper" queue). Thorpe will always be Thorpe.
  15. Queue system complete opposite today as no staff to be seen. Amazing how quickly this park goes back to the normal.
  16. Literally no information given to us on park. Poor show from staff.
  17. In the RAP queue already. Let's gooooooo!
  18. Seeing it from the M3/M25 junction today did make me more excited. Doubt any competition members would honestly believe they'd be the first riders. Public maybe, but given Merlin's love of a "celeb" night and the boy's club Thorpe is becoming was never gonna happen.
  19. Presume because it IS half term it's meant that people have spread out the visits rather than the single weekend.
  20. Thorpe apparently now selling one shot Fastrack separately from the hoops you originally needed to jump through. Poor decision if true. Guess as the first few days haven't completely sold out they need to make up the expected income streams.
  21. Looking forward to my day at Legoland this Friday. Nothing else going on right?
  22. Better to have all the information than not. Sensory issues are still fairly new to it all. Given the problems with RAP as well probably something that will be consistent across the board, and guess its no different to the standard safety boards stating the obvious either. There was also a video for the Accessibility side of Hyperia. Though I do wonder why they constantly told me to scan a QR code when I was watching it on my phone.
  23. Replacement for the old 4D cinema was mentioned on the park's "Super Fan Day". https://ghostlymanor.co.uk/
  24. The dreaded tarmac pathway appears again!
  25. Depends when they open the gates. But if you're sad enough to wait overnight for this then ain't no helping those people. Seems a sensible plan at least. Sure it'll still be utter chaos and full of entitled people. Staff will need to be on point for it to be a success.
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