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Everything posted by Benin

  1. Benin

    2013 Changes

    Yeah just steps, cos it's a sit-down variant it doesn't need any fancy platforms...
  2. Benin

    2013 Changes

    Because lowering the throughput of a ride (remember, there will NEED to be a designated back row queue, as not all guests will want to experience it, and with two rows gone there will be a reduction in throughput) is something Thorpe and it's already horrendously long queues and over-selling of Fastrack REALLY should add... I prefer the logical option of improving the park getting people to come back and spend money, not wasting money on a gimmick because the new ride wasn't as successful as they thought (because they've put themselves in a market with the lowest level of disposable income during a recession)... It's basically a knee jerk reaction that the ride was a 'failure' to the park, and as such needs some extra 'pull' to guests... Of course, providing an exceptional day out has nothing to do with returning guests who will happily part with their money...
  3. Benin

    2013 Changes

    Isn't the lack of decent near misses (only REALLY good one is the inline through the station) the reason for the added theming rumour also making the rounds? Backwards would lose visual aspect of the first drop at least... That's one of Swarm's best aspects watching the drop slowly unfold in front of you... Back or front that works extremely well for different reasons... Visual impact is the least of my concerns though, it's all about how the ride impact affects everything... Especially as bracing for the elements is a bit awkward when you don't have a floor to support your legs... Just think it's an incredibly daft, naive and stinks of desperation ideas... Just like when Six Flags do it...
  4. 2010 was Wild Asia AND Wanyama... HUGE investment year that was...
  5. Benin

    2013 Changes

    I listed my reasons to you personally and on the board before Marc... For a company that prides itself on sheer absolute comfort and experience, why would B&M agree to this? Intamin yes, but B&M? Not just visual impact, it's the ride impact as well... There's a lot of other factors that have been mentioned by myself and others which makes such a change on a new ride immensely confusing and just plain strange, especially if they make their old backwards coaster go forwards... If it happens, I'll be very disappointed with Thorpe, not angry, but disappointed...
  6. Benin

    2013 Changes

    Does the Swarm have a tail though? I really hope they don't ruin the best new rides in the country for years... Just because it wasn't as successful as they hoped it would be they want to turn it into a gimmick (added onto what can already be termed as a gimmick but is actually an integral part of the ride so it doesn't count)... Sigh...
  7. To be fair, if any park could make that attraction amazing, it's the Macks... But since they already have the best interactive dark ride in the world, they don't need it...
  8. Benin

    2013 Changes

    I dunno, Saw and Storm Surge both exist at Thorpe I swear I started this rumour off as a joke too... It's amazing...
  9. To be honest, I would have thought they'd keep going and push on after the success of Wodan... Pull your finger out Europa!
  10. Part of the billion dollar investment in the two parks... Amazing scenes...
  11. That's 3 more rides than what Thorpe tends to have open at their opening time
  12. Benin

    2013 Changes

    New things is so general... It could be multiple new rides, or it could be new shops/restaurants... Love PR vague talk
  13. Seems like half of TPM are going to Disney at some point this year... I've been looking at the possibility of doing PA/Madrid too... I need to learn to conserve money again
  14. I prefer shipping containers now, actual hotels are for losers
  15. Benin

    Video Games.

    To be fair, you have played Amnesia... Doubt much will affect you I think walkthroughs for ZombiU defo won't give off the full vibe of the game either, having to worry about making one false move resulting in instant death is never fun...
  16. I wouldn't know, now that I'm earning, Travelodges are beneath me
  17. It's not confusing... Your drinks flask is tied to your AP, when that runs out, you can't use your flask anymore... To ensure this, a hole is punched into your AP... Simple, however the transitional year will cause issue for many people...
  18. Well then we'll just have to make our own meet, with Blackjack... And ladies of the night...
  19. Dungeons flogging the old stuff in a car boot sale... http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/370732/Severed-limbs-and-torture-props-up-for-grabs-as-The-London-Dungeon-packs-up-and-moves
  20. Benin


    Worth a giggle this page... http://www.centives.net/S/2012/the-cost-of-being-an-unbeatable-evil-overlord-2/
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