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Everything posted by Aliice.

  1. Omg I love him Last time I went to Thorpe, I saw him at Stealth taking the bags and as ride host on Vortex. Legend ;D
  2. Aliice.


    I tried voting but it said I can't vote anymore, good luck anyway ;D
  3. I was all prepared to come, but I don't think I can any more. :oWill there be one in Summer?
  4. Aliice.


    ... N-Dubz. runs away I love them
  5. Aha no problem :)

    I'll follow you (: *pokes at follow link on about me* ;) I only have 21 :L

  6. Yup :D

    His name (the fit one) is Dru Wakely. http://twitter.com/druwakely

  7. Agree with Emily. I feel for you! It was my birthday last Sunday, and spent it at home, in front of computer, in the rain... Happy Birthday!
  8. Thankyou, I know he's hot ;0 All my friends think he's ugly but yay ;D

    Ahh I'm following all 3 of them on twitter ;D

  9. It's so funny :L I like the guy with the big fringe... dunno what his name is. oh deaar you know all the words ;)

    look at their Jay Sean down one, and Lez Be Friends

    So so funny :D

  10. We actual do ;D

    Gordon Brown can't break it down :L

    Same, TMB ftw ;D

  11. OMFG I actually love that video ;)

    "who likes picnics? we do. who built this monstrosity of a ferris wheel? not us." ahahahahha high 5 ;D

    hey guess what Emily, we're the only party with a dj. ;)

  12. Aliice.


    I have an account -ClickyFeel free to ask anything
  13. That made me laugh ;)Josh - same, such a Conservative area but Lib Dem came second! They are going up!This is when we need Proportional Representation.
  14. Urgh Gemma I hate the Conservative guy in our constituency. He's been in power here ever since I was born it seems like, and made terrible expenses claims! He bought a house/flat in London even though it's only 20 minutes to get there by train. Yesterday, about 21,000 voted Tory, 10,000 Lib Dem. Never going to change here D:
  15. Happy Birthday :D x

  16. Hey shush you (; I saved them, but they are saved as weird files, one sec imma talk to you on msn bewaaaaare :D

  17. I watched the 3D show thing yesterday at the Showcase! Was good actually, short though.
  18. The graphs don't open on my computer D:

  19. Aliice.

    Doctor Who

    I agree James, I think seeing as the first part was really good, they seemed to rush the second half. The teleport bit ruined the atmosphere for me D:
  20. Ahaa thankss :) Happy Birthday for Wednesday, I'll facebook you then :D

  21. Omg I can't believe she was there and I missed her :L
  22. I added your msn (:

    Ooh sneaky, well I just facebooked you back ;)

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