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Mr. Fish

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Posts posted by Mr. Fish

  1. Your telling me that the company that owns and operates the park have no say in how the park operates. That sounds stupid and yet highly plausible.

    Everything they do have to go thought intamin and they also constantly monitor the ride for any problems ect so they do have very little say in what happens

  2. Surely they can strip down more than 1 at a time. Rides like maverick have 6 trains and TTD has 5 trains that need stripping down at a time. Surely Thorpe can do 3 at a time.

    They could if they had more room and staff but they simply don't this is properly why they have tree trains in the first place

  3. Well it can't be they have to do annual saftey checks set by intamin that take about 3 - 4 months it takes for them to strip and put it back together for each car that's the hole reason there is three cars so it don't have to run on one most of the time I'm sure you would rather not die due to a faulty train then have long queus?

  4. It does exist we went on the VIP tour and told us how one train is always under maintenance under going it's yearly checks so it does work and it there and they said once it's done this apprently no existet 3rd train that eveyone on the tour saw will be swapped over while another is repaired

  5. it is looking really good now :o

    Shark hotel update, starting to look quite good now in my opinion. This photo is from the company that are making this shark. You can see there Instagram below :)

    Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk

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