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    Nemesis Inferno
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    Thorpe Park

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  1. saw and stealth lifts do work and are used regularly.
  2. I was told early yesterday that there were only 1000 tickets left
  3. Saturday is set to be extremely busy. From what I've heard there is only about 1000 tickets left.
  4. All the evacuation points on Saw have a sort of metal mesh flooring that your heal would get stuck in. It is simply un-safe and impractical to wear high healed shoes on Saw. Colossus also has the same flooring on the evacuation stairs on the lift so the attendants strictly should't have allowed you on wit heals, but due to the amount of people the attendants deal with at one time on that ride it can be easily missed whilst on saw the station batcher deals with each individual group. The attendent was correct to tell you to change your shoes as if there was a shut down you would have had a very hard time and it is part of their job.
  5. I'm not a fan of chart music but It is by far better on the beach than the old Neptune's beach music. And as for CC the old music was much more country but the song 'Trees and rocks' made me want to sever my ears off. Eight hours of country music just isn't great , I'm glad they've made a change!!
  6. Most of the time they do. But next year I think the areas and employees will be mostly staying the same with a few rotations here and there (mainly attendants not ops who are assessed on type 1's in their area)
  7. This is the first season where they've mixed everything up. Last year was still two thrills teams and an experience!
  8. I know that they are staying the same for next season. Season after they will probably change again
  9. On Monday I witnessed a boat full of people stuck just before the last drop. A boat full of people behind it went into it which made it go down. Just thought I should clear that argument up.
  10. Titans:Saw: The rideColossusLoggers leapTeacupsMr monkeys banna rideNeptunes beachwet wet wetDetonatorSlammerOutlaws:RushStealthStorm surgeCCRFlying fishDepth ChargeX:/ no way outTime voyagerszodiac (I think)Rocky expressKnights (not very sure about this area tbh)Tidal waveNemesisvortex (I think)Rumba rapidsQantum(I think)Samurai (I think)Carousel (I think)And knights are getting LC12
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