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Everything posted by Tom

  1. I'm gay.I haven't had a day at School when my sexuality hasn't been mentioned by someone.Life sucks anyone?
  2. damn, sounds epic, but When I went (17th) they just weren't on. I suppose that's not that bad because it would be cold
  3. Tom


    Spaghetti Bolognaise, my favourite!
  4. Might be, I'll see*goes to check* ... *returns*nah Starting Theme and Stuff isn't there *sigh*
  5. Tom

    Post Your Desktop!

    Tower of Terror <3My desktop sucks, I might post it sometime I supose.
  6. I really like the zodiac Pre-load and Starting Theme :oreally goodgive itz to me Phill
  7. ah, thanks! That's such a great idea, getting the kids involved in the park etc.
  8. Tom

    Welcome to TPM

  9. Ahh, I see. Like on Mr Monkey's Banana Boat once, we had an 'If you're happy and you know it" singalong. oh such fun *claps*
  10. I agree!Ride operators on Mr Monkey's Banana Boat and Storm in a Teacup always seem to be having way more fun than those who run bigger rides like Rush etc.
  11. Tom


    Air is great because on my first time it was a completely new experience! But now, every time I go it has huge queues!
  12. On the map it's in Calypso Quay... so why the WWTP?
  13. Storm in a Teacup is awesome, so here's a topic about it.Originally teacup twisters, then themed to Storm in a Teacup WHENEVER, and now Storm in a Teacup sponsered by tetley tea!No day at a Theme Park is complete without a ride on the teacups. (or similar (Marauders Mayhem anyone?))Oh and Chessington has teacups on their carousel, so that counts!Has anybody else noticed they're playing WWTP radio on storm in a teacup? Has it always been in Amity Cove?Video times: Teacup madness with Perry the Platypus is at 0:50 seconds!
  14. Tom

    Welcome to PM Bruno!!!

  15. Tom

    Welcome to TPM Dave!!!! :)

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