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Everything posted by Tom

  1. I loved boneshaker sooooo much hopefully they would somehow have the same genious idea as us and put it there, or are we just discussing something that there aren't even romours about happening
  2. Tom

    Thanks - I'll get it changed right away :P

  3. Tom

    thats because that I'm the only one that isn't evil :P (seb ;) )

  4. mixup... you want to hear about a mixup? um... I went on nemmie, spinball, cork, rita, obliv... and it just didn't take me on spinball or nemmie, and on oblivion it wasn't even me!!!!! corckscrew hurt, so I didn't like the video much anyway, rita... was ok, I supose
  5. come back, where have you gone?

  6. Tom

    hey, welcome to TPM

  7. Tom

    welcome to TPM :D

  8. Tom

    welcome to TPM :D

  9. Tom

    yay treeis is 14!!

  10. Tom

    why thankyou, I still like the flashiness

  11. Tom


    it's because phill is no longer an admin
  12. welcome to TPM :D

  13. pay no attention to Seb - He's just a grumpy mule today because his eggs died when I shot them... it was fun
  14. your welcome. lol.

  15. Tom

    welcome to TPM :D

  16. me too ... but I am puzzled to why you have started a topic about it :Dother = none at all
  17. the kfc in (Cal)Amity Cove is sexy - I like thefood and the themeing is great for a place to eat and not a ride
  18. Tom

    me likes your flashing text :)

  19. OMG... I just saw this and went, TMP??? what is that... TPM :D

  20. Tom

    why thankyou about the stealth pic... us 13 / 14 yr olds must stick together :D

    woop... 14 in aprox 2 months

  21. Tom

    damn... jonny07... I will get you.

    Yep, well you know me, welcome to TPM

    (I'll steal sebs limelight:P)

  22. Tom

    Post Your Desktop!

    Great picture anyway, om nom nom Inferno... much better than Colossus eh JONNY
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