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mah boi

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Everything posted by mah boi

  1. I'm not happy about this. I've been waiting since 9:30 on my computer, and refreshed from 9:55 on wards. Put in my details and their all gone. It wasn't even 10 yet.
  2. That levitating carriage has me interested. Might buy that. So far, everything is looking very good as a whole and I hope that the ride is great and really feels unique.
  3. From what I saw in the leaked photo, the Victorian train carriage appeared to be a shell for something to go into it from underneath. I presume that the ride vehicle will work by being raised into the carriage for people to get on and off, and lowered to maneuver around the ride building with a car like mechanism acting as the base for the chassis which will move along the ground.
  4. Finally, the full theme has been released. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaV25QGU8OQ
  5. The design of that carriage reminds of this electric loco used on the underground, around 1906. They were used to alongside steam engines on the underground, but took over some parts of the same journey route.
  6. The audio in that CCTV video sounds as if it were part of the music IMAscore created. If it is indeed part of the theme music of the ride, it sounds interesting.
  7. Quick question, I have been looking around the net for the IMAscore CD which has the theme music for Karnan, but I cannot find it anywhere. Does anyone know where the CD can be bought from or downloaded from the internet?
  8. Recently, I came across a friend of a friend whose relative supposedly works for Simworx or Merlin (I can't exactly remember which one at the moment) and I started talking to them about Thorpe. During the conversation, they told me some small info about the Derren Brown attraction. Treat it with a pinch of salt as always, but I'll mark it as a spoiler just in case.
  9. That is fan made. Here is the original poster on the main page of the film on wiki. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Through_the_Looking_Glass_(film)
  10. mah boi


    I heard by far the most stupid thing any coaster enthusiast could ever hear. While at university working on my final project, I over heard some girls talking about The Smiler accident. At first it was mostly correct what they said, and then one of them decided to say some complete and utter nonsense. She said that The Smiler was originally from the united states and that someone died on it. The guy who designed it (apparently only one man was able to design the ride according to her), then sold it to Alton Towers and didn't change much which lead towards the accident. I couldn't help but laugh a bit and shake my head after hearing that.
  11. I guess this new clue shows that it won't be based on a IP, which I am happy about. Though, with a connection being made to the Big Top, it wouldn't surprise me if WC16 would be something very much like The Sanctuary and The Smiler as has been said earlier. One thing I remember about one of the videos which was from a VHS tape for the smiler, was of Dr Kelmin talking with a women though you could only hear her. Maybe she will be a part of this attraction.
  12. Not for me. Cogs and gears still on main page.
  13. I was looking in the source code and other things in there, and the word Victoriana keeps popping up. I'll paste what I am talking about below, which can be found near the end of the assets/css/main.css page. victoriana h1,.victoriana h2,.victoriana h3,.victoriana h4,.victoriana h5{color:#b17b38}.victoriana .btn:not(.facebook),.victoriana header.main .bar ul li.login a{background:url(/assets/img/victoriana-button-bg.png) center center no-repeat;background-size:100% 100%;outline:0;border:none;color:#1f1206}.victoriana .btn:not(.facebook):hover,.victoriana header.main .bar ul li.login a:hover{outline:0;border:none;background-position:1px 1px}.victoriana header.main .bar ul li.share a:hover,.victoriana header.main .bar ul li.user a:hover,.victoriana header.main nav.main ul.pages li a{color:#b17b38}.victoriana header.main div.brand{background:url(/assets/img/victoriana-logo-bg.png) center 5px no-repeat;background-size:220px 165px;overflow:auto;padding-bottom:40px;margin-top:-25px}.victoriana .home h1{color:#fff}.victoriana .mind-gap article{background:#1f1206;outline:#b17b38 solid 1px}.victoriana .mind-gap article h1{color:#b17b38}.victoriana .mind-gap article .date{color:#1f1206;background:url(/assets/img/victoriana-date-bg.svg) top left no-repeat} I did a quick search on google and it isn't anything to do with coding from what I am aware of, but this pops up https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoriana. The popular culture section is interesting, but could this possibly be the name of the ride?
  14. Looking back at the trademarked names Merlin filed, they were 'Chronicles of London' and 'Automatons' I believe. I find it strange how Automatons was trademarked as that is a word used for clockwork animatronics, which coincidentally is what I'll be focusing on for my final year at uni. Anyway, with these trademarks being brought back up, maybe the story is human brains are taken and put into Victorian automatons. Chronicles of London would be interesting, if it is confirmed to be the name, as with the automaton word being brought up makes it feel like the ride will have a story based on past events which have been brought back to life.
  15. The first thing that came to my mind when watching that was the handymen from bioshock infinite. Very interesting video, but it does seem that many people will consider this gory, especially since thorpe is now going towards a family market.
  16. Expect them to be fired soon by the HSE. Joking apart (I hope) it wouldn't surprise me if the HSE would give them a telling off for not following health and safety rules.
  17. The arrows being on wooden blocks is interesting. In my opinion, I feel as if it is hinting about some kind of possible puzzle that someone would have to sort out, something like a chimpanzee does when they give it certain tasks to do.
  18. Reading the mind gap page on the mindswanted website for 11th September, one thing that stood out for me is that it appears there is one person who is behind all of this. Rather then say we are watching you which would suggest a organisation or foundation, it just says 'I'm constantly watching' and 'there is nowhere to hide from my gaze.' I guess in a way this could rule out something like cybermen for doctor who and any other thing which involves a organisation.
  19. Wouldn't surprise me if the interior were made to look like a underground facility. Though with the different style of lights, I have a feeling that at first from what the public will see, is a abandoned area where the light on the far right will be located. When they enter the facility, they can see that it is actually a functioning place which is where the other two cleaner lights will be.
  20. Is that raised platforms in the tunnel section? The structure of the building is very interesting. Some of the supports look as if they are meant to bear weight from something which will cause vibration due to movement. How deep is that pit anyway? Seeing it in these photos makes it seem as if they are almost the full height of a average man.
  21. I remembered what those things are called now, after a quick google search. They are cable support systems. I can only really presume that those support like systems on the top of the building are for cables, as I have seen similar styles of cable support systems carry heavy duty lines leading up to my university's workshop which has a whole bunch of heavy machinery. But as I said, I may be wrong.
  22. One thing I find interesting about the building so far, is that those parts which look like gutters on the top of the building, look like heavy duty cable support systems which carry electrical cables that connect to machinery requiring high amounts of energy. If that is the case, what type of mechanical or visual objects will be located around the building which would require such a high amount of energy. However, I may be wrong.
  23. Apologies if this has been posted before, but google images has updated their thorpe park aerial photos and you can see the rough outline of the ride building.
  24. London Underground Strike: The Ride. Joking apart, that idea you mentioned isn't a bad one. Though with the eye thing they have on the ride's official website, it will be interesting to see how it will all come together.
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