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Matt 236

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Posts posted by Matt 236

  1. If Oakwood plan to purchase a second hand coaster, I strongly hope it's Knightmare which will then be heavilly themed [like the recent Never land area].

    However if they are intending on building a new coaster, I hope it's either a B&M coaster or another woodie [although both ideas may be doubtful somewhat].

  2. I really love how those trains go across the track. In terms of being as smooth as B&M, I'm going to give it a few years.

    I think the metal music used in the last clip is not terribly coherent in terms of the ride as a whole.

  3. From what I've seen so far, the ride looks pretty good and seems well paced throughout the ride as well as the ride cars looking impressive running on the track. However that day break clip was very disappointing that it was almost pointless showing it. Also, from what the ride video shows, it doesn't look like the ride will be completely smooth although hopefully the restraint design which seems different from previous Gerst. coasters will reduce the headbanging effect.

  4. It does look quite bare around the saw area to be honest. The trees were removed for a reason and that had to be done. I do have to say that samurai looks out of place as it does not fit in with the saw theme and it seems like its not in a land. I don't want a topscan going from thorpe altogether however if they could get a zierer starshape or something into the park then I would be ok!

    Any updates on how samurai is currently doing?

    Tbh, I don't think Thorpe will ever get a Star shape due to how large they are and that top scans deliver a similar experience as well but are yet smaller in terms of space. I would much rather Thorpe installed a new model top scan. In terms of fitting in better, the replacement could be a different colour (brown and other colours?) and some extra theming to make up for the trees (which is something unlikely to happen).

  5. Really looking forward to this. I love the idea of theming the park area to Peter Pan as its a bit different from the typical Pirate themed lands.

    Note, the concept art certainly doesn't look too accurate.

  6. The problem with paid parking is that Merlin have now found the loose string between their guests in terms of earning more money. If the park does well, they can use it to take advantage of their visiting guests but if they're not doing so well, they can also use the system to make up for losses in the business.

    Unless some regulation comes in and says its mandatory an establishment has free parking facilities (which is extremely unlikely), I can't see the park (or any) lifting their parking fees for a long time (if ever) which for the visitor is a lose lose lose situation.

  7. Sadly, the Merlin effect has come in to place I think, where older rides (especially coasters somehow) seem to be not terribly well pet. Though there are several coasters much louder for TLC (notably Colossus), Inferno could do with a nice clean up on the volcano, ride track and overall ride area.

  8. And they'd probably want a top spin as well with light tunnels on every coaster.

    As for themed music, I hope most areas of the park can keep their original soundtracks even if its more of a soundtrack e.g 50s/60s music in Amity and country in Canada Creek with its country music. I hope chart music only remains around the dome and Neptune's beach and run in a way like a radio station. The only time I really want chart music invading more than the above is when there's a special park event.

  9. I really hope the parking tickets don't increase this year, as the price has been going up a pound every year since paid parking was introduced. If Thorpe are going to raise the price of parking, they could at least improve the car park layout.

    As for ticket prices, I think an increase is inevitable considering recent mid season price hikes at most of the parks.

  10. I think Samurai should be replaced in 2014 because the ride is getting old and has been at the park nearly ten years now in addition to the five years it had at Chessington which is why next year would be a good time to replace and update Samurai. Who knows, maybe thorpe could market the new model and just say Samurai new and improved for 2014 ;) .

  11. Looks a fun ride that mixes thrill and factor together which would suite the park well.

    In terms of where it would be placed, I don't really know. The only areas of Chessington it could go are on the Toadies site (which the ride looks like is currently on borrowed time), positioning around mystic east/Wild Asia (which I've heard rumours the space may be used for something not ride based) or replace any other rides in the park.

  12. Despite how average the layout is for the ride, this looks an amazing addition to the park with theming and a tunnel that put Merlin's log flumes to shame. Really want to revisit Oakwood badly now.

  13. In terms of records on the ride, it is the worlds first 14 looping roller coaster (until another park builds a 15 or 16 looper ride (quite possibly in china)).

    The ride also currently holds another obscure record of being the most compacted roller coaster as well because such a large scale ride has been constructed on a rather small'ish foot print of land.

    Another record the ride has which I would describe as a silly one is that it is the first looping coaster in Britain to last over a minute in ride length.

    Also, I'm certain Colossus is no longer the worlds highest looping coaster as a park in china built an 11 looping one last year.

  14. As far as I'm aware I don't think I use text speak (I hope not anyway) but I do use acronyms sometimes e.g TPM = Thorpe Park Mania and MAP = Merlin Annual pass which I hope isn't within the terminology of text speak.

  15. That doesn't sound very good Mer on how it was organised.


    As part of my college course which is Music, I have to plan an event with a band I am organised with for the whole year. After I booked a gig at a local venue for late may, the other band members were supposed to have organised many other acts to support us during the event.

    However after to posting in my band's closed fb page over the lack of info I have of the acts for the night, instead of receiving helpful info or advice, I got blunt criticisms saying I was joking on the matter when they're the ones who are supposedly organising this with me. One member said I should contact a certain band member who should have the info however I have received no response and when I responded on the page, one band member said to sort it even though I'm not the one responsible for it.

    My band members are really driving me up the wall ATM (some more than others) as they're either not doing their roles properly in the band, not giving me the required information, advice or just brutally criticising me over various problems that aren't completely my fault which I think is not on. There's one particular band member who is completely unhelpful and criticises everyone else while he is not retaining his own duties when the gig is in just over three weeks time.

    Can't wait to finish the band as I'm just not enjoying it in terms of management and certain band member's attitudes towards everything. Rant over.

  16. I wonder how this will affect the ride in terms of operations and throughput, I have no idea how four train operation would work or if it would even be possible.

  17. I think in terms of the main Transylvanian eatery, I could argue it has been going down hill in both quality and experience since each renovation.

    Black Chateau/ 1st generation,(1987-1997) know little about this place but I know it had lots of decent theming inside and on the face as well as a music animatronic.

    McDonald's/ 2nd generation (1997-2007), introduction of the count cauldron facade when there is already a castle in the area and removal of the organist inside too.

    Burger King 3rd generation, (2008-2012), not much changes apart from signage but prefer McDonald's.

    Burger Kitchen 4th generation (2013-present), castle facade is replaced with a simpler one although with some odd colours. Creepy theming is toned down inside and the awesome count chairs replaced by more bland common chairs and tables, the food is also much worse than Burger King and McDonald's.

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