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Matt 236

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Posts posted by Matt 236

  1. Went on Thirteen today and the shutter didn't close on the drop section which quite strongly detracted the first section of the ride. It's very disappointing that it didn't lose as it sets the scene much greater when it does.

    On another note, Thirteen delivered some relatively good airtime on the first half.

  2. Ridden Smiler for the first time today (twice) and have to say its absolutely superb. The ride layout is impressive and immense and delivers many moments of weightlessness and overall delivers a well paced and constructed ride where no inversion used is wasted.

    The ride I find find is rather smooth (which is from riding one of the rougher trains) plus the duelling motion (though a rare occurrence) is pretty impressive. Some say the ride doesn't have too much theming, but it isn't a big deal as the ride is very much the centrepiece especially as all the queue is around the ride area and very near by as well as interacting with the ride itself.

    Overall, a brilliant ride which I strongly enjoyed and for me almost as good as the legendary Nemesis, 9.5/10.

  3. It's good to know everything's gradually being fixed. Shame though about the broken speakers on Saw & Tidal Wave and the fact Colossus and Amity Cove music are still high. I hope Thorpe sort those out soon.

  4. No trip to Chessington for me this year then. I know its ridiculous, but Runaway Train, as rubbish as it is, is a staple attraction for me and I never miss it on a trip. It goes beyond just being a ride and is something that I grew up with. There's no reason for me to visit the park anymore with its closed attractions, rides that have had theming completely wrecked over the past ten years and rides that have throughput deliberately decreased for ridiculous reasons.

    A sham of a park.

    Tbh wasn't planning on visiting the park again this year even if Mine Train was reopened. Although the other parks have ad their fair share of pros and cons for this year, Chessington is definitely noticbly worse than the others with two of it's staple rides removed of their theming due to poor maintenance, poor ride operations and their only inverting ride down for the rest of the season or forever.

    Even with the few decent changes such as Zufati ad Creaky Cafe, the park is king downhill and has taken two steps forward, three steps back in 2013. The park in one year has gone from quite well themed to badly themed and I believe it to be the parks worst season since 2001. I expect Mine Train to be a disappointment next year from what was there pre 2013.

  5. Well here's a surprise (not really to be honest) but Chessington are now asking people to not just sketch ideas for Falls but Mine Train as well.


    Despite first expectations, it sounds like Mine Train could well be SBNO for the whole of 2013 seeing as it states the ride will reopen with new theming in 2014 whilst it says Falls will be rethemed in 2014 but is currently open.

    Looks like that's 2 rides down for the rest of the season.

  6. Well that's a stupid idea, blocking off a large pathway so that people almost have to walk though the shipping container shop to get out or double back on themselves. Surely if they wanted people to head through an exit shop, they should've designed it better, perhaps likeThirteens where you walk straight in to the shop after the photo booth instead of removing a perfectly useful path.

  7. £10 is far too much to feed giraffes, Chessington certainly is overpriced in many ways. They should charge £5 to feed them or even nothing at all really for this.

    Starting to look like it was a bad idea of Chessington posting about that on their Facebook page with the amount of people criticising the amount and referring them to Colchester zoo.

  8. In terms of roller coasters Thorpe could add that haven't been done so far,

    Woodie (either an air time monster or looping one)

    Woodie hybrid (like rattler)

    Hyper coaster with lots of airtime (like shambhala or millennium force)

    Flyer (but that's going to be similar to Swarm &Air)

    Something completely new not done yet

    Stand up coaster (possibly not impressive enough)

    Not too many other options really.

  9. To be honest, the location of this at the moment is not too bad. Okay, it's not a brilliant location but its within the Neptunes and Amity areas and the theme therefore is quite coherent even with the nearby Swarm devastation theme.

    Also, the ride presentation is noticeably better than a few years ago too because some shrubbery is starting to appear now though not near the amazing standard of the original.

  10. Doesn't look like a room to stay for any one who wants a chilled out stay or good nights sleep. It looks very disorienting everywhere especially in the bathroom. Still might be worth experiencing a marmalisation there once.

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