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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Doc

    2013 Changes

    Welcome to the forum Chzywotsit :PWhat you said does sound kind of familiar but I don't think it was the Nemesis shop, but the Nemesis workshop.Having said that, I have just looked at their MTDP and behind the Inferno shop it says 'fast food restaurant' so you could be right....Still, what do I know
  2. It seems other than the drop itself, Sub Terra is pretty good in terms of the pre show experience and overall theming.I just wish I lived nearer to Alton as it is too far away for me to go that often and I would love to try the ride out.Also I am starting to think Merlin got some sort of a deal on those shipping containers. They are Popping up all over the place, first with Saw, then the Swarm and now Sub Terra.
  3. Doc

    2013 Changes

    I don't think Thorpe Park will remove all of their family rides. That would just be silly Having said that, I would not put it past them :rolleyes:Plus most people love the Banana boat and the Carousel is a piece of history for Thorpe Park as it has all the custom carriages on it. I hope they don't remove them, even if I do not ride them they still provide something for everyone.
  4. Yes they seem to have got this year spot on, from the early marketing to the ride itself. I really do hope Thorpe continues with this kind of attitude.They deserve a pat on the back
  5. I got to admit, despite me disliking it earlier, that music does work pretty darn well with the advert in my opinion.Very classy
  6. As a song, it is alright I guess.But as the soundtrack to a theme park ride...It is just a no from me I am afraid to say.Personally I think music more like the 'Nemesis Inferno' soundtrack is more appropriate for the Swarm.But hey I can't say I am surprised and hopefully it is just the ride launch music rather than the music that will actually be playing in the park.
  7. What annoys me is I have heard alot of people say that adding a new ride was not actually necessary if it is not going to be a good once...and yet I bet if they did not install a new ride for 2011, alot of you guys still would have complained and criticized the park for a lack of investment.Lets put it this way. The Octopus Garden's ride never had many customers and were rarely in use. Storm Surge does!People may not love SS and I cant say I do either, but it is a fun family ride. Its only real problem for me is the multi coloured madness the ride is painted in and the horrible steel structure. Sure it may not be the best ride at the park, but it does give the Thorpe Park more variety in its attractions and it does not look like it is going to be there for too long anyway.
  8. The area that I am talking about is in that big patch of dirt located underneath Storm Surge's Supports.http://www.themeparkreview.com/parks/pimages/Thorpe_Park/Storm_Surge/ss11.jpg (I presume that I am allowed to link photos?)There only seems to be a few measly twigs there at the moment but I always assumed that it was their plan to grow vegetation in that empty dirt area to break up the view of all the concrete and steel.I mean maybe I am wrong and they are just weeds, but personnaly I would like to see them plant some type of greenery around the ride and in those empty spaces just to lighten the area up a little.
  9. One year on, I realised that I don't hate Storm Surge as much as I thought I did.Obviously it is not a looker, it leaks alot and lacks theming, but once you get past that, it is actually a fun little family ride which in my opinion TP desperately needed.I admit it does have many...many flaws, but overall I found myself enjoying the ride last year and it offered some good views of the park when you ascend up that never ending lift hill.Personally I would keep it for a few more years, let the vegetation grow around it a bit and then remove it along with the surrounding area for something better. When it was erected, it was never meant to be Thorpe Parks most attractive ride and why people rate it so badly I do not quite know. I would rather have Storm Surge than Octopus Gardens any day.
  10. When I first heard about this, I was pretty annoyed (theming wise). It just sounded like another excuse to do depressing and amateurish scenery (I.E, mounds of bricks and rubble in the queue line for SAW and SAW alive... but it seems I stand corrected for the Swarm!Very impressive stuff merlin are producing. Certainly seems to have made people forget about the multi coloured monster that is Storm Surge.I take my hat off to you Thorpe!The coaster itself looks short, sweet and it offers some cool inversions. The train passing over the station should look great when the ride is in action and the good thing about this apocalyptic theme is that pieces of missing wall etc really won't seem that weird to look at. Hopefully it will all blend in nicely.
  11. I don't know if this has been mentioned anywhere or whether it is a supported rumor or not but I heard somewhere that SAW alive (Thorpe Belle) may be converted into one of the river ferries that will take people from the park to the hotel once the contract with Lionsgate ends. I don't even know if its possible to restore the ferry back to what it was but I would not put it past them. After all, the SAW alive experience has got to wear off sometime and when the contract expires I can't see them continuing the horror maze under a different theme. Once SAW leave Thorpe will have a nice empty ferry/building to toy with.Anyway, I am looking forward to the proposed hotel and I hope it all goes ahead! Themed rooms like Alton once had would be good but I imagine it will be very unlikely for Thorpe to get them
  12. Even if fire and water effects were to appear on the Swarm, I don't imagine they would be around for too long. Maybe a year or two at best.If the Swarm does have those effects then I imagine Merlin will do a "Tidal Wave" and simply leave them dormant after a few years of service.Merlin seem to be unable to maintain many of their ride effects which is a shame as they can really add to a rides overall experience.Still; I hope I am proven wrong.
  13. This looks amazing. I just hope that the ride experience itself will be as fun as it looks to be from the pictures.Looks like this is going to be the most imposing coaster Thorpe have due to its dark menacing colours and huge height.Also great to see a B&M in the UK after all these years.
  14. I never went on CCR as I was always too busy on the big rides like SAW and Nemesis Inferno but now I feel like I really missed out on a good ride.In my opinion it seems like one of those signature rides that have a big history and should never be removed from a park whether it costs alot to maintain or not. I see why they chose to close it though.Still, the deed is done I guess. Another ride bites the dust!
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