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James Allgood

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Everything posted by James Allgood

  1. James Allgood


    ahh ok anyone know of a place I can download the full version of this?
  2. James Allgood


    is that what was played 2 years ago when they first re did it?
  3. I think they could put my bloody outside the crust! Now they've opened up that huge area it's defiantly gonna be a snug fit but it could fit in there
  4. I have a merlin pass...... sorry thought ild keep the trend going! However, the cranes (yes theres two of them) are back and it looks like there getting ready to build the next section of the building (photos from theme park guide facebook)
  5. thats the best thing about these projects it keeps people asking whats going on. They don't have to say whats going inside the building just how big and where there gonna build it. Look at nemesis sub terra for example... alton towers just applied for planning permission to build a metal shed.
  6. I think it might be! Dunno were just have to wait and see
  7. I think getting rid of the dome would be such a bad idea!
  8. Think I might have just found a coaster footer or something?? The metal rods in the foreground are for the building but what's the footer behind the pipe coming up from the ground?!?
  9. They've finished the rides foundations now! let the building work begin. I bet by this time next week a large amount of the other building will be up http://www.themeparkguide.biz/news/foundations-complete-for-wc16
  10. They've poured more concrete and the banners on the fences have changed I'll upload some photos latter
  11. any photos to go with this? its certainly been a while since there was another update
  12. That last video is a little messed up! Loving the look of fright nights this year already
  13. This year is the last year of the three year contract with lionsgate for fright nights
  14. It's looking good! As for that long closed season I wonder if my closed season updates will make a return and make it a little more bearable
  15. I dunno but there was only 4 or 5 people working
  16. Workers where on site till quite late last night! Working on a Sunday as well
  17. I think people are judging this way to early! The park still has ages to dress it up and make it look good. In more news... they've done more foundations for the building! After looking at the plans and everything again I think there could be enough room for a coaster http://www.themeparkguide.biz/news/wc16-build-update
  18. it doesn't look that bad in person!
  19. Yep that's the photo I meant to tag in but it won't let me on my phone
  20. The building has been covered and looks a little bit like x not gonna lie
  21. currently thinking about going up for a few hours
  22. stolen from tpm's Facebook page... looks like the sides are going on the building! take a nice long look before its all covered up, the next time we will see this is when were riding it!
  23. Who else thinks this looks like a tunnel? Definitely not a impressive tunnel. Notice how this "tunnel" doesn't go all the way to the back of the building. http://www.themeparkguide.biz/news/work-continues-on-wc16
  24. the big screen at the entrance of the park has now been fixed!
  25. Got some decent photos today! I'll post them when I get home but it look like there ready to pour the next big slab. Is there more of the building to dig? I forget if there's more towards the nemesis side to dig out and put foundations down for
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