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James Allgood

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Everything posted by James Allgood

  1. how you unlock the first challenge again?
  2. It will but it will only show them if you click show them
  3. For those that wanted the Fright Nights live blogging link: http://live.themeparkguide.biz
  4. On the fright nights topic.... I'm gonna be live blogging throughout the event Thursday! I'll post a link later in the week if anyone's interested
  5. I'm shocked you don't know what an sfc coaster is! http://www.dynamicattractions.com/products/sfx-coaster/
  6. That photo is pure geek prob! Would love it if Thorpe park got this working again
  7. Just wanted to say cheers all! my dream of the loggers tunnel might come true one day
  8. Photos from this weekend, notice how you get into the pit area via three doors? Also people where working all day on Saturday... http://www.themeparkguide.biz/news/wc16-the-mystery-continues
  9. so does that mean you don't have a choice what maze you do in brave it alone this year? ;(
  10. latest one from thrill nation fb page
  11. It wasent working yesterday
  12. You really do need to go see it to release how big it is! Photos don't give this building justice its huge. Anyway.... this week I present to you blue boxes and more of the building has been built: ยง And a nice site overview http://www.themeparkguide.biz/news/project-wc16-september-update
  13. Just got suck on the lift hill of nemesis for 5 mins. Great view of the site I'll try post the photo I took in a bit
  14. Bored at home.... Let's go for a drive to a certain theme park
  15. Project WC16 from above! So much space All photos in the usual place: http://www.themeparkguide.biz/news/project-wc16-from-above
  16. Just got back from my behind the scenes and lift hill climb it defiantly looks interesting from up above! I'll upload some more photos tomorrow evening
  17. Where those stacks of wood are is where I think the station will be and whatever it is will go into the pit at the start of the ride
  18. the highest point isn't as high as I thought it was gonna be
  19. Got a VIP day on park tomorrow so might ask them about the perfume bottle see if they know anything? It's a long shot but they might say something. On the up side of not should get a good view of the construction site
  20. most of them are in place now
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