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James Allgood

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Everything posted by James Allgood

  1. what a load of rubbish this system is!! you wait and hour for your ride then you have to wait another 30 mins to get on the ride after the time is up! might as well just normally queue. Really hope this system doesn't get made permanent
  2. I suppose this could be the ride station? (before anyone goes mad.... I got permission to take it..)
  3. someone beat me to an update? I'm shocked! looking interesting though
  4. it was testing in the evening last night a lot!! For about 30 mins it just kept on going round
  5. I reckon by the end of this month if not defiantly by mid July!
  6. This weeks WC16 Update has footers, rebar and a cement mixer... what more could you ask for? Apart from track on site and a Colossus repaint..... http://www.themeparkguide.biz/news/foundation-preparations-for-wc16
  7. Yep it's cheeky nandos time! With a side order of dirt Coming to a park near you soon.... Cherry picker the ride! I know what your all thinking... Why's there a drill? Well that's the theming
  8. It's the weekend!! Can only mean one thing.... Points if you know the answer
  9. Who would make a rumour like that....
  10. They might be? who knows! Anyway... todays update has yellow flags! http://www.themeparkguide.biz/component/k2/wc16-foundations-rebar-spotted
  11. was only testing for about an hour today then that was it :/
  12. Its sunday night... which only means one thing! Another WC16 update
  13. it wasn't a shark tank... back in the day! The diving pole was used for shows in the arena and that used to be part of the swimming pool that they used to dive into from the very top. I believe theres a video on youtube of this
  14. James Allgood


    One step ahead of you!
  15. as promised and uploaded live from the dome! http://themeparkguide.biz/news/wc16-ground-works-continue
  16. Lots of work going on today! I'll post some photos when I get back
  17. James Allgood


    Slammer is open again! Just ridden it
  18. They try to get all rides open then finish work on the second train and put it on when the demand is there
  19. James Allgood


    I put my money on tomorrow if not Saturday
  20. James Allgood


    So I take it slammer didn't open today then haha
  21. shhhh!!! don't give them ideas haha
  22. I can see the ride having lots of work done to it before wc16 opens
  23. Looks like a good start!! Would be nice if we had some more marketing please merlin... *hint hint*
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