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Everything posted by EC!

  1. we can definately do that phill plus this has newly opened for you Dr Who fans The last photo PROOF wales can have sunshine
  2. this has to be done... I added this one just for Speed's roar
  3. Scorch, oakwoods mascot is very excited for this trip Just edited the poll so you can give multiple choises as you might be able to make more than one dates
  4. on saturdays in oakwood the park opens till 10pm and has a end of day fire works bonanza and has special lights every where .
  5. Skycoaster VERTIGO, which is £36 for 1 person, £18 each for 2 people and £12 each for 3 people. here you go pluk.
  6. Heres are some of the ride for interest Speed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khX1vOMe-qE The Bounce Megafobia at 2:23 you can hear how loud Speed's roar is Drenched (previously Hydro) Vertigo
  7. Yes this drive isnt as bad as a certain alton towers trip peaj and my self went on but it will be long so if you want to go then I would suggest doing it soon so I can plan it all. Plus I will need a list to see who wants to do the Skycoaster VERTIGO, which is £36 for 1 person, £18 each for 2 people and £12 each for 3 people. this is so it makes it easier to plan and book on the day thanks.
  8. The reason why I havent put august 17-18 its very close to my holiday. I would have to ask the parents if I can do this date as it is so close to it.
  9. If some people can get there by train or can atleast get to cardiff I think I will have a few spaces. But I need you to vote so I have an idea when it is best for you all.
  10. but I stated that speed was the 3rd eurofighter, not that saww was third in the Uk although that is true.
  11. Unfortunatly I'm just going on word (they could be messing me about, I would be annoyed), but seeming that oakwood have acquired quite a few rides from camelot it wouldnt surprise me.
  12. Well this is a test event to see if there is enough interested, plus next year is year 2 in their development plans so this yer we have had 10 new rides and there are more to follow.
  13. Third in the world at the time Dara when speed opened
  14. Because it was only the 3rd ever eurofighter, is bi rail because gerstlauer hadnt depeloped it yet and it is a tiny bit shorter. but still Speed is the better ride
  15. With Gravity Group and Rocky Mountain Construction have now got looping wooden coasters that have trains that are a lot lighter so they can solve the problem SoB had, thats if they want a looping woodie.
  16. True. Oakwood should just stick with Knightmare if they actually do put it up. (fun little fact: Speed cost £500,000 less then sonic to manufacture and build )
  17. They could put both up at the same time as they are used rides and probably don't cost much (in coaster terms) much at all. or 1 after the other as they do have a 5year development plan.
  18. I'm sure Oakwood would use the amount of trains use now, the throughput on what is a small park will be alot quicker because there won't be so many queueing Jamie thats what I have been told and yes I hope they do
  19. Remember we also have Knightmare in our warehouse in Oakwood, as a little birdy who worked there told me, so that might be going up sometime soon unless oakwood want to make a quick buck of it, but any how, spinball would be welcome because this is the park that usually runs only 1 or 2 trains on speed and 1 almost always on megafobia, because it ain't busy there.
  20. We got told by thorpe officials that 16th-19th of july will be the busiest days of the year because of school trips.
  21. I think you just have a high pain threshold
  22. EC!

    The Smiler

    heres a few pics of pics of the smiler rooms from the alton towers guide. I don't think I would be comfortable staying in there... Towers times have just reported this also: We're receiving news that unfortunately The Smiler is stuck on the vertical lift and medical services are on scene. We will bring you more as we hear it!
  23. They should just move it to Oakwood, I'm sure most would be happy to have it here plus we do get 1 million less guests in Oakwood then alton gets
  24. Saw rattles me around something terrible, so it isn't my favourite, but I had quite a good run on the ERT, I felt like in the middle of the train it was not as bad in terms of roughness compared to the outer seats, still I don't enjoy this ride, hopefully like Pluk said it gets better with age (I doubt it but I can dream)
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