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Everything posted by EC!

  1. EC!

    The Smiler

    Towers Street says on facebook: The Smiler has once again closed and according to rumours the queue line evacuated also. It's not been a good day for guests with several rides also appearing to be unavailable including Runaway Mine Train and Rapids according to www.ridetimes.co.uk
  2. Haha mattymoo you and me both want that to happen lol, and pluk if we do get a roll back its your jobs fault also stealth is like being splashed in the face water, its really good fir when your tired lol THIS MUST HAPPEN!!
  3. EC!

    The Smiler

    Its been reported that The Smiler is being tested as we speak.
  4. Mornings make me a full on Zombie so I will try to wake my self up before this lol.
  5. Peaj can my sister meet us later on the day like a 10AM? As there arent any spaces left for the shoot.
  6. EC!

    The Smiler

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-stoke-staffordshire-23415889 Press have said The Smiler is going to be closed indefinately until the ride can be deemed safe again by health and safety officials but alton towers have said they are working as hard and as fast as they can to re open it again.
  7. EC!

    The Smiler

    According to Towers Times on facebook, The Smiler is still closed but has a crane on site.
  8. Thorpe are being charitable they just posted: Get your 2-for-1 voucher on the Capital website and they'll donate £1 to the Capital Help a Child charity http://bit.ly/CapitalFB
  9. EC!

    The Smiler

    Well its definately the track, I think it will be closed for a few days. Looks like the damage is on the first or second (not to sure from the pic) dive loop before the first bunny hop hill. I have never heard the track splitting because of a bolt. Yep its going to be down for a few days.
  10. EC!

    The TPM Quiz 2.0

    I loved it when sidders accidently gave us the answer in the trial version in social networking that must not be named
  11. EC!

    The Smiler

    Towers times have just reported that The Smiler is closed and people have been evacuated from The Smiler as witnesses a bolt has supposedly sheared off make a very loud banging noise, its not known weather it was from the track or the train. but it looks like it will be closed for the rest of the day. I can't see this being a long term problem but its been evacuated so its closed.
  12. EC!

    The TPM Quiz 2.0

    Oh yeah I wont be able to do cos of that Dara.
  13. EC!

    The Banning Game

    Banned for having a hateful ride as your profile pic
  14. EC!

    The TPM Quiz 2.0

    Yay I won this round! I feel so smart, might as well just go apply for harvard now
  15. the music probably not but looks like its being played through speakers
  16. Here is a picture of Hero officially open with its own theme music to boot
  17. Theres a chance I might need a lift from my hotel. if I do then can anybody help me? its will most likely be the premier inn sunbury kempton park 6.6 miles away from the park.
  18. EC!

    This Or That

    Despicable me 2 Cars or Cars 2 (I'm running out of ideas)
  19. EC!

    This Or That

    no contest, Mack Launched!! Colossus or The Smiler
  20. Yay, I'm 100% going to this now, on the acception of my mothers word that I dont go to thorpe for the rest of the summer hols (or atleast until the end of august) I'm excited now, I do feel bad for mum though, I feel mum and dad have been my taxi slaves lol. 4 months and that should all end yay
  21. Tidal Wave: YAY!! Storm Surge: Meh...
  22. EC!

    This Or That

    Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese, na I jokes chocolate Lady Gaga or Nicki Minaj
  23. EC!

    This Or That

    Mini BBC or ITV?
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