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Everything posted by EC!

  1. EC!


    I wont post the video but I seem to have a weird addiction to knife party and skrillex at the mo
  2. EC!


    This is Fudge my Chocolate Labrador, can't believe he is 10 now, feels like only yesterday I got him from the breeders, he has been a key part to my life and has helped my through dark times with bullying and mental issues. I love him so much, and he's still got load of life in him yet .
  3. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!! -Sweet Brown http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udS-OcNtSWo
  4. They could of chose a better colour, I dont like it at all hopefully the ride itself will be much better
  5. sorry, I'm on a forum, I thought it would be ok to ask.
  6. EC!


    oh well, fingers crossed it will look good when it is finished!
  7. Are all of the rides open today or is the park partially open like yesterday?
  8. EC!


    oakwood is opening this thursday, they probably bought the flume in december but announced it february, they have had plenty of time to get it ready and it is nowhere near half way done. How you seen above what its meant to look like ?
  9. EC!


    oakwood just posted an update for the log flume, its looking pretty crap at the mo..
  10. I know this is abit off topic but last year you celebrated Colossus' 10th birthday with an ERT and a birthday cake. This year is Nemesis inferno's 10th Birthday since it opened in 2003, so do you guys plan to do the same? cos I think it would be nice like when you did Colossus last year.
  11. They are advertising The Swarm on the side of youtube videos now, I would say that good advertisement, cos according to youtube: Over 800 million unique users visit YouTube each month Over 4 billion hours of video are watched each month on YouTube In 2011, YouTube had more than 1 trillion views or around 140 views for every person on Earth Millions of subscriptions happen each day. so a not every country will see the advert, but a lodda lodda people are still gonna see it. I did do a print screen of the advert, I dont know how to get it on here though.
  12. EC!


    I love how much these guys slag off kesha in this music video
  13. I found this little gem from 2009, starring Peaj himself atleast that is all I recognise from the vide0
  14. I'm looking forward this trip report although I am absolutely bricking, cos cameras don't like me and I will probs look awful in them, I've seen peaj's phone and I look very odd in some of those photos....
  15. So I'm sure most of you have been on the reverse facing seats and smashed through the new devastated billboard. So hear is my 3 question poll: 1.In your opinion do you think the new backward facing seats is a good addition to Swarm?? 2.Do you think the new Billboard near miss is a good addition to Swarm?? 3.What is your favourite near miss?? Vote away
  16. sorry to sound retarded but what is ORP??
  17. And the worlds best typo goes to …
  18. Put me down as a yes, I thought mum was gunna say no, but she seemed fine with it plus, they are going to london for there anniversary so they can just drop me off
  19. Seems like you had a fantastic time, despite the snow! The last time I went was 2008 with the parents and I loved it, and that steak and chips looks nice
  20. I loved the fact, Slammer was running perfectly, and Rush didn't even open, and Slammer was still slamming, and hour and twenty minutes after all the coasters closed because of the cold and then itself closed cos it got even colder. The old girl has got some life in her still
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