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About rOsSwA28

  • Birthday 01/28/1998

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  • Favourite ride
    The Smiler
  • Favourite Theme Park

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. After a long time of my application being on the 'on hold' pile, I have now been accepted to start work in the Rides and Attractions Department, absolutely over the moon. Got my induction days next week . Does anyone know what these induction days consist of these days?
  2. rOsSwA28


    Slammer was testing alot today; they seemed to be running it normally every other cycle and then making it do the thing that CoasterDude's video shows which presumably is an E-Stop procedure. When they were running it normally it seemed to be working fine and going at some speed (other than the strange sound) and then when they E-Stopped it, it seemed to take a while to get round to the upright position and then slowly come down but it got there in the end so I assume that they were testing the 'new system' that they have added and making sure that it was working correctly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP9KUdmgx_Y - Video of Slammer testing today.
  3. As of Thorpe Park's Facebook page...
  4. Planning a trip to Alton Towers Saturday & Sunday Can anyone recommend some cheap places to stay the night fairly close to Alton Towers for a family of 4?
  5. School teachers strike yesterday... Explains why it was apparently busy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Does anyone know how I should go about securing a place on the AP event for the Saturday? I have just bought a new annual pass in which I will be collecting on the 15th, the problem I am having is that I cannot get tickets on the eventbrite website because I do not yet have a pass number?
  7. True... just annoying that I got so close!
  8. Hi all, I have received the email back after applying as a rides host however the email says that due to the child working regulations that surrey county council enforce upon employers in the area we currently have a limited number of positions we can offer to candidates who have not yet finished their GCSE's (child workers). However it says they were impressed with me at the assessment centre an interview and have kept my application and put me on hold in the event that they have any candidates drop out before or during the 2014 season.. Soooo gutted Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Today's the day...Good Luck everyone!
  10. Do you know when you should be contacted by after applying?
  11. Do Thorpe Park offer any kind of backstage tour of the park during closed season?
  12. Do Thorpe Park offer apprenticeships at all?
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