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About DaddysLittlePrincess

  • Birthday 12/20/1995

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  • Favourite ride
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Slough, London
  • Interests
    Music, theme parks, basketball, tennis, poker, documentaries (On relatively interesting things obviously) and bowling

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  1. I should be attending, depends on if I get my new job or if I get the time off work and if I can get a ticket before it sells out!
  2. If I have the money then yes, so put me on the Maybe list
  3. Just wanted to say thanks to everybody who came for the meet, was great to see everyone again, old and new, plus was one of my best birthday yet, although I was still pretty drunk in the morning and PEAJ took the mick a little bit but was a great laugh Will have to come more often again now!
  4. Was good fun last time, should be able to come depending on money / if I need to work etc.... erm, pref the 31st as after payday for me so
  5. Looking forward to coming now Esp when the last meet I went to was back in February!
  6. Came to the first two meets this year, now for the last :)

  7. Half tempted to come to the meet now, was going to go this Saturday but everyone has turned ill and lost all their money so it's like "hmmmmm" Although you guys are going on my Birthday which is like another big "hmmmmmm"
  8. I might be coming, if it's the 20th SADLY I won't be able to go as it's my Birthday, any other day should be fine! Also, if I do go, I have 16 Magic pass tickets to use so for people like MattyMoo, I can get them in to everything... they have to be used by the end of the year so might aswell!
  9. If I can get the time of work I'll come, believe I have a Saturday off so I'll swap it quite easily haha
  10. Hey, managed to get the day off work but it's my friends party in the evening so wont be staying for the summer nights part I don't think! Will know closer to the time... will be there from morning till half 5 (as watching the live performance from richard rawson, tom parker and bailey mcconnell)
  11. Got the days off work, can go just need a lift and somewhere to stay, will see what I can organise and hopefully I can join, been a while since I've managed to go to a meet (Guildford) <<<
  12. I booked the weekend off so... guess I could come (nothing else planned for the minute) Would need a lift / hotel but offer cash in hand (yah yah)
  13. Right I know I said for the last few meets I can go and haven't turned up (my bad) but can book days off for this one for sure and get to it one way
  14. Slight change of plan, might not be able to make it... a good friend of mine wants to have a catchup and it seems like Sunday is the only day to do it... so will see what happens!
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