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Everything posted by FrightNights04

  1. Earlier I spoke to Andy walker about MBV location and he said that's an error and its in the arena still.
  2. do you know what event it is and if its open to the public?
  3. or from an event in america
  4. they usually tell around early september.
  5. Someone said alton towers are revealing Scarefest infomation at the end of the week meaning thorpe park are probally going to do the same.
  6. If its less than £40 I will be very annoyed as I recently paid that to upgrade my pass from standard to premium just for fright nights!
  7. http://instagram.com/p/r4ouYMkgBc/
  8. forgot to mension, at the big easter event, me and a friend were talking to staff about fright nights outside braniac:live. A couple of them who were involved in FN said there would be an archieves of all the mazes that have shut e.g. experiment 10, hellgate, freeser... It is not a maze but will be included. she said they hadnt confirmed where this would be.
  9. ive partely seen inside the asylum today, last week it was empty apart from a few boxes. however, today there was tape around on the floor and boxes everywhere.
  10. sorry if its already been answered ( I cba to look the whole way through), how much is it if you have a premium merlin pass?
  11. Something like this? I know its not familly but will be different from Air!
  12. Cant see the photo, what resin is it?
  13. Shambhala! woodies or metal coasters?
  14. someone said to me that at a behind the scenes on nemesis, the engineer stated that the next coaster WILL be on the island behind swarm and WILL be b&m, but when asked what type, they hadn't confirmed that yet!
  15. I am going to alto towers with my mate on 22nd so I might not be able to come if we stay over
  16. People are still going to ride a ride with lots of inversions. They are not going to say its Colossus with less loops so lets not bother going on it!
  17. I know we have had a months rain already this month and going to have another months rain in the next few days they said on the news that if there's no more rain, it will still take over 3 months to dry every flooded area out!
  18. I heard that Colossus track is partly underwater. Also, the surrounding lakes are a lot higher than usual.
  19. I remember the days before storm surge! The good old days of octopus gardens!
  20. Air (5) Battle Galleons (5) Duel (6) Enterprise (5) Frog Hopper (5) Galloper's Carousel (5) Heave Ho! (3) Hex (5) Marauders Mayhem (5) Nemesis (5) Nemesis Sub Terra (5) Oblivion (5) Ripsaw (5) Rita (5) Runaway Mine Train (5) Twirling Toadstool (3) Blade (5) The Flume (4) The Smiler (8) Th13teen (5) Sonic Spinball (6) Skyride (5) toadstoll - Skyride +
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