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Everything posted by InfernoMartin

  1. Atlantis Submarine Voyage (4) Dragon's Apprentice (2) Fairy Tale Brook (3) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (2) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Squid Surfer (0) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (5) Vikings' River Splash (4) Squid Surfer- OUT Atlantis Submarine Voyage (3) Dragon's Apprentice (3) Fairy Tale Brook (3) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (3) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (3) Vikings' River Splash (3)
  2. How do you know they were abandoned though if you couldn't even get near them !?. You don't have a clue if they were trying to be fixed up or not!
  3. The Chessington website also stated Tomb Blaster was open quite a lot of the morning. So to be honest I do believe them. Too state the engineers were doing nothing is a bit harsh. Behind the scenes they were probably working their arses off to get them rides open. They could have been in so many places that are not visible to the general public trying to get the rides reopen!
  4. What I find interesting, is someone who worked at Chessington today said that both Tomb Blaster and Scorpion Express opened for around an hour ish towards the end of the day. So the engineers were working on the rides! Edit: Scorpion was closed for the day but Tomb Blaster was open for at least an hour in the late morning.
  5. Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (0) Nemesis (10) Nemesis + Hex - NEMESIS WINS!
  6. Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (4) Nemesis (6) Hex - Nemmy +
  7. Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (5) Oblivion (4) Oblivion + Hex -
  8. 18th February Thorpe Trip Report Had a day of work yesterday so decided to take a visit to Thorpe. Ride Count: Stealth x8 SWARM x3 Dodgems x1 Fish x1 Storm In A Teacup x3 Angry Birds 4D x1 Total 17 Highlights: Getting back on Stealth and Swarm Trying Angry Birds 4D for the first time (it was great) Lowlights: Operations were not the best (hopefully one staff are fully trained it will be better) Despite flying fish closing early, it had a good few rows closed off. one whole car didn't even have seats. I mean its just annoying that it closed early and still it is not fully ready. All in all though it was a fairly good day, Pizza Pasta was very good! Swarm is now my favourite coaster, I literally love the thing after yesterdays rides on it now
  9. Yes, it has been busy most of the week! Although the rides breaking down are not helping. Seastorm was broken for a good few days but reopened yesterday/today. And Tomb Blaster has been down most of, if not all of today!
  10. Dragon's Fury (4) Vampire (6) Vampire + Fury -
  11. Air (4) Duel (0) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (7) Nemesis (8) Oblivion (4) Duel - OUT RESET Air (5) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Oblivion (5)
  12. Air (6) Duel (3) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (7) Oblivion (6) Th13teen (0) Th13teen - OUT RESET Air (5) Duel (5) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (5) Nemesis (5) Oblivion (5)
  13. Air (6) Duel (2) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (7) Oblivion (5) Th13teen (3) Air + Th13teen -
  14. As this game now seems to be get rid of the best rides first I'll join in: Bubbleworks (6) Dragon's Fury (5) Rattlesnake (4) Vampire (5) Fury - Bubbleworks +
  15. Bubbleworks (6) Dragon's Fury (7) Rameses Revenge (2) Rattlesnake (3) Vampire (7) Rameses + Rattlesnake -
  16. Bubbleworks (6) Dragon's Fury (7) Rameses Revenge (2) Rattlesnake (3) Vampire (7) Rameses + Rattlesnake -
  17. Bubbleworks (6) Dragon's Fury (6) Rameses Revenge (4) Rattlesnake (4) Vampire (5) Rameses + Rattlesnake-
  18. This should hopefully be a tricky one:
  19. Next part of the coaster restoration has been uploaded: Also on the 11th February the Refurbished Haulage wheel arrived: (Source http://www.dreamland.co.uk/site-watch) This is looking very good, really looking forward to when this opens!
  20. Bubbleworks (6) Dragon's Fury (5) Rameses Revenge (5) Rattlesnake (4) Vampire (5) Rameses + Rattlesnake -
  21. Air (6) Duel (4) Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (6) Oblivion (5) Th13teen (3) Air + Th13teen -
  22. 7/10 (Would be 10/10 but swarm is in the photo...)
  23. Atlantis Submarine Voyage (3) Boating School (3) Dino Safari (3) Dragon's Apprentice (3) Fairy Tale Brook (3) Fire Academy (0) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (3) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Pirates of Skeleton Bay (3) Squid Surfer (3) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (4) Vikings' River Splash (5) Viking River Splash+ Fire Academy- OUT RESET Atlantis Submarine Voyage (3) Boating School (3) Dino Safari (3) Dragon's Apprentice (3) Fairy Tale Brook (3) Hill Train (3) Jolly Rocker (3) Laser Raiders (3) Lego Star Wars (3) Miniland (3) Orient Expedition (3) Pirate Falls Treasure Quest (3) Pirates of Skeleton Bay (3) Squid Surfer (3) Spinning Spider (3) The Dragon (3) Vikings' River Splash (3)
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