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Everything posted by InfernoMartin

  1. The lift hill evacuation was done effortlessly and incredibly quick yesterday. Clearly been well practiced.
  2. Yeah, until a few seasons back there was also Dellboys yellow van. But this was parked out in the maintenance area for a few seasons now!
  3. *Sorry for double post* Pictures of the coaster nearly built up at Pleasure Beach. Brace yourself for these pictures .... Personally, I'd rather they kept the drag cars that they removed for this. The track has a nice colour but the cars really do not match the colour scheme. The sign also looks incredibly tacky. Will be interesting to see how this goes down!
  4. There could be a possibility that I can no longer attend this meet. It all depends on how major this rail strike that's happening on the bank holiday Monday and the tuesday is. Will keep checking to see if I will be affected or not and will let you know if I can come or not!
  5. Could the grey just be a primer ready for a coat of blue ? (if it is getting anymore paint)
  6. Last time I checked a visit to towers doesn't cost £166 a time :L Edit: Forgot about unlimited fasttrack. Really hope the price goes up to a stupid amount really to try and limit the amount.
  7. Detonator has reopened today!
  8. Just been scrolling through various websites looking at news. Now I don't know how reliable this is, but most of the news seems fairly reliable but I noticed something fairly interesting on RideRater: 9 March 2015 Thorpe Park is currently re-building the Canada Creek Railway ride after its closure in 2011. It is expected to re-open later this year.http://riderater.co.uk/in-brief/ Would be nice to see this operating again. Never got to ride it, but it looks a good ride to go on to get away from the thrills for a while and will also be good for the family!
  9. For goodness sake, if Chessington closed the ride you would still moan. At least they found a temporary solution to at least keep the ride open for guests. I think guests would rather split up than have Bubbleworks closed completely! Don't see why you never stop moaning!
  10. Pictures of the Kids coaster arriving in June. It is going to be called 'Whirlwind' (Soure https://www.facebook.com/funandthrills/photos/pcb.926019767418138/926017914084990/?type=1&theater ) I suppose its alright for a Kids Coaster. Still waiting for something more major to be installed though!
  11. I will definitely not be able to attend as I shall be on holiday!
  12. Today has been such a good day! It was a shame I had to leave early, but I really enjoyed the time I had with everyone. Everyone is so nice and friendly! Thanks to Peaj for organising it all! Bring on Legoland Meet (I'm still trying to recover from the most intense ride at chessie, the carousel teacup)
  13. I shall be around until 1:30 ish, when I then shall have to depart to go to work!
  14. Correct! My first flat was infact Gardalands Top Spin 1. My first coaster was the Scenic at Great Yarmouth 2. This infact was my first water ride:
  15. Here we go... 1. My first coaster was The Scenic at Great Yarmouth 2. My first water ride was The log thing on the Pier at Great Yarmouth 3. My first inverted flat ride was Evolution at Pleasure Beach Yarmouth
  16. Going to leave this here, shows the park over this closed season. Didn't realise the rides were stripped so far down. Looks like a completely different place over closed season! I have also noticed lots of improvement over the park for this season. Numerous rides have received a well needed paint job including the Yo Yos and the Big Apple Coaster! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xASmlxWl_ZE
  17. Just looked on Chessie's ride status page and the note about when Vampire reopens it will be on lower capacity has been removed. By the looks of it, it might be running two trains when it opens! (Highly doubt it will be 3 trains, but you never know)
  18. They still do have 3 fully assembled trains ?
  19. it seemed to be running pretty well yesterday, my pod did a fair amount of flips. However, it really didn't like parking itself yesterday was faffing around quite a bit until it lowered. Also the broken seat on Pod 6 isn't helping with batching. The second seat from the outside was out of use yesterday, don't know if this is still the case though!
  20. Storm Surge Planes or Trains ?
  21. Do you realise how many parts that would be? Each ride has hundreds of components and I doubt the parks would have the budget to buy every part in for all the rides and I doubt they would have the room to store them!
  22. Do you ever stop moaning? It's life, machines break and they require new things. It is out of the parks control when something needs a new part and they don't have this part. I highly doubt they left the safety checks until the last minute. We don't know how long they have been waiting for this part. The thing is it was doing test runs at the start of African Adventures, suggesting something might have broke during testing. Its just unfortunate that the park don't have the part needed and can do nothing except wait for the part to come in and then reopen the ride once the part is fitted, sfaety checks are completed and staff are trained. It can happen with any park so I don't see why your giving Chessie stick for something that is out of the parks control!
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