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Everything posted by JamminGamer

  1. My god..... if only XD How much must that increase the throughput? Also does anyone watch ashens here? Love his stuff and one of his more recent things relates to some news that broke the other day about Thorpe Park. It's a loose connection but I'll take it!
  2. Congrats! Been following the progression of this story and am glad it's taken a turn for the better Maybe after the warning/realization of the trouble he's caused he'll just buy some headphones or something XD Good luck with new people above and below though I can hardly picture them being any worse than that guy Also like Pluk says if this continues in any way it's definitely a good move to report them to someone because the behaviour was downright criminal and threatening!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM_v4CUijmQ Just watching this and I went to the site mentioned, upon reading the terms and conditions I saw that early ride time was only available to those booking tickets to the park as well as the hotel stay, being a new premium annual pass holder this year how does ERT work in the situation in which I book a hotel stay and use a pass to get in the park as like all of us, I presume, I would greatly appreciate ERT
  4. Apologies for the double post but we've bought our annual passes! We opted for family bundle of premium ones in the end Thanks so much for all the help everybody and I hope to see some of you in the coming months of this year XD
  5. So even if the three of us aren't all related do you think we could get by on a family pass? Does anyone have any experience with family passes and how they work/what they require and whether they check on entry and stuff
  6. Thanks for more info Always appreciated regardless of whether it is waffle XD Anybody know how long the sales last? I'll probably try and get last day to get maximum usage! Also would I be able to get a family pass and would that work for 3 teens (We'll all probably be over 18 at that point except one of us who will be 17)? XD
  7. So the January (Even though it's still December) sale has started £125 for a Premium Pass or £105 for a standard is my new question to you guys XD Bare in mind the free parking bit is useless to me XD
  8. If we were to get Annual Passes which I think we are likely to at this point, we would probably go to Alton, Thorpe, Legoland, Chessington, Tussauds, Sea Life, Dungeongs and anywhere else around the area just because it would be free to do so XD I also think we would be likely to go a few times over the year to places like Thorpe since it's easy for us to get there and it would be free XD Thanks for all the help guys
  9. Alright then Thanks a lot all for the quick and detailed responses Hopefully I'll see a few of you around next year
  10. If I were to buy one in January would it activate then? Or could I buy one and have it 'activate' in June/July so I could possibly do the same trip next year
  11. Yeah the yellow would look bad and probably end up like Colossus after a while (in dire need of a paint job! )
  12. Greetings all! So I've been a long time lurker on these forums and am currently planning some theme park trips in the Summer for next year and was wondering whether an annual pass would be efficient for my situation. Not really a quick question but from lurking on these forums for so long and from what I've seen you guys are pretty good with questions and I wasn't sure of where else I would post this Okay to the point! Myself and 2 others all above 18 at this point want to visit Alton Towers, Thorpe Park and possibly various other Merlin attractions like the dungeons, legoland, Tussauds etc in the end of June start of July time period and probably various other visits afterwards if we end up getting passes. Our plan is to spend 2 days at Alton Towers and stay in a hotel overnight on park to take advantage of the perks (since we went last year and didn't get around to doing everything we want to spend more time there ). Not long after/before depending on times we do things, we would like to visit Thorpe Park for the day and possibly attend the Summer Nights event which we loved last year. As you are all most likely aware this will be a costly investment and we will need to pay for train travel to the towers as we live in the London area around 40 minutes from Thorpe and none of us drive/will be able to do so, so that adds to our costs as well as food and probably photos/merch, trying to work all this out myself is a tiresome event and requires god like spreadsheet skills so I thought I would pose my question to a more experienced crowd who I thought have likely experienced the same troubles as me Feel free to ask me any questions about my plans in case I've missed anything and thanks in advance!
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