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Everything posted by JamminGamer

  1. What warranted that? XD Suspicious behaviour eh Tommy?
  2. Yeah I think we should hear from a few more people before we jump into the voting stage folks! That said it might be best to vote out those who don't resond before the deadline
  3. I'll probably very loosely roleplay considering I don't know Peaj that well XD Also yes I thought that was the case
  4. I am still listed as '12.Second to Last space' on the first post I think XD Doesn't really matter but I thought I'd let you know Also when you list players as not voting do you mean that we have yet to vote or that we cannot? XD "Hello, I am town-aligned Meet Organiser Peter (A.K.A Peaj). I hope we can get this business over with! I've only just come back from my holiday and there are meets to set up! It's bad enough that head honcho Mickey Mouse has been murdered but we need to sort this out otherwise we might not get to Blackpool in time!" (I'm sorry in advance for my portrayal of you Peaj XD Having never met you in person I'm probably getting it completely wrong but it's all in good spirits! ;D Also I recommend this format for speaking in character: "Hello!" and just typing normally when out of character. Just so we can keep things quick and simple !)
  5. http://thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/01-09-2014/STUDIO-13 Bit more info here. Something strange going on on that page though........
  6. Cool Hopefully I'll remember to participate and will be around to make sure I can XD Is there a time frame in which we need to respond after receiving the info?
  7. Triple Post! You must be excited! Not long until we find out for sure!
  8. https://www.facebook.com/thorpepark/photos/a.377923300866.202576.27217550866/10152633720315867/?type=1&permPage=1 Here we go folks!
  9. I'll have to look for them next time I'm up there then! Thanks!
  10. Get ready for the awesome Nemesis Inferno- Subterranean Experience! Explore the inside of the volcano! See the crisp packets floating around from years gone by and discover where all the ride theming of old is truly hidden! In all seriousness I don't really see them putting in a Sub-Terra style attraction especially after the failure to maintain Saw Alive. Still, new rides are new rides I suppose On another note I've yet to see those crocodile figures in the river I never seem to choose the right direction to look for them
  11. You guys keep requesting Sandstorm but isn't it already on there? (I may be misinterpreting and you love it so much that you want to keep it on there though ) I'm certain I've heard it on a few occasions and to be honest that's all I would want on the ride That and some of the stuff from last year, I loved that music!
  12. I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull out of this one :/ Last minute get together has coincided with the meet and it's something I don't want to miss as it's the last time I'll see one of my good friends for a long time as they're going to America. Hope I can make one at some point but right now everything seems to be working against me! Hope a good day is had by all regardless though!
  13. It was for a live DJ to perform during Summer Nights, deck chairs were placed in front of it to sit and listen for a while
  14. So a very successful first event Can't speak for the BBQ (Didn't know it was there!) But new additions to the line up included the dodgems and the teacups Staff were once again lively and chatty which is how I like them (Shoutout to the guy on Colussus singing and doing limbos and the guy on X who was raving with us all the way! ) Managed to get the last train on Stealth too which was fun Probably saw a load of you without realising tbh XD I did see J.S17 once or twice but there was never a good moment to say hi since we were always in different places in the queuelines!
  15. I went last Thursday (3rd) and whilst there were a few school groups no queue exceeded having to wait more than 20 minutes. I don't know if things will change between now and then but it was pretty quiet when I went
  16. Managed to get 3 for myself and some friends All new passholders XD Looking forward to this after last year! Planning to go on the 12th also
  17. Pizza! Cereal or Toast?
  18. Angry Birds! Custard Creams or Oreos?
  19. Done! Quite a coincidence that the two of you will be at the same event XD
  20. Any word on the Meet game that will be played this meet Peaj? Me and Paige are speculating in the chat XD
  21. Last time I was at Chessington I was still a kid and that music still creeps me out, Vampire was technically my first coaster I think :S Need to go back there soon
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