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Everything posted by JamminGamer

  1. Just in case people wanted to know, myself and some other members are planning to meet at London Waterloo Station and travel to Staines to get to the Park for the meet providing it's the 2nd of August. Anybody else interested in something like that?
  2. https://www.facebook.com/altontowersresort/photos/a.10150665640316201.439798.21765316200/10152420854001201/?type=1 Looks as though the Alton Towers Ride game is getting an upgrade I have a feeling they've done a competition type thing like this before but I'm not sure either way a 'Which ride is better?" competition is about to commence!
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6bF0F9HDlM The park YouTube channel uploaded this video which is apparently playing in the park somewhere, I assume on the big screen by the entrance. Is it just me or do some of the music tracks sound like altered versions of previous ones? Either way they sound great!
  4. Yes! Hopefully I will be free to attend either of those Even if it might end up just being Summer Nights or arriving later on in the day I shall try my best to attend whichever date comes out on top.
  5. Didn't they say they were going to run it Saturday as well? Perhaps they are making more changes after seeing what yesterday was like. Hopefully they will always keep standard queueing as an option because this might sound weird but I kind of enjoy queueing.... to an extent anyway Basically I like seeing the ride and being immersed for a bit but I won't enjoy a queue for more than an hour and a half XD Regardless it's interesting to see the park adapt and change to see what works. That will hopefully mean that in the end we'll get something that we can say has been tried and tested and will hopefully work well within the park (Personally I'm hoping for it to be the new fastrack system )
  6. The 7pm starts might just be for when the park closes at 6 in July, maybe they will revert back to 7:30 when they reach the August dates.
  7. So if this system were to be implemented what is there to stop people from queuing in the way that we would do so currently? Would there be a downside to doing it this way? To be entirely honest the entire system confuses the hell out of me and I really dislike the idea of it :/
  8. JamminGamer


    Never thought I'd see the day XD How long will this last do you think?
  9. If you're paying with your card I assume you put in your own details. I don't know from personal experience but that seems likely. I doubt it would cause any problems or matter on the day anyway! Enjoy the trip!
  10. It is yeah. I don't really see the funny side either :/
  11. Man these votes are close :S I hope it's Thorpe that comes out on top at the end! When will the voting close anyway?
  12. Yeah Thorpe is the only realistic option for me too. However, this is getting me excited as this could potentially be the first meet I can attend! I was thinking by the way, if we did a Thorpe meet in August we could do a day trip but then also do Summer Nights afterwards since they'll still be going on in August, thoughts?
  13. Rumba - Take with you Tidal Wave- There are boxes to put bags in on the opposite side to where you board the ride Loggers - Take With you Storm Surge - Take with you (Though keep them in your lap since the flooring of the dinghies are always like paddling pools XD) No idea why there is a bit of misinformation amongst people here XD
  14. Damn. I can't make any of those dates due to exams and the 28th/29th weekend being when I'm meeting a friend to then pick up our Annual Passes on the 30th. On the plus side that does mean I should be able to make the next meet after this one depending on where it is and when XD Ahhh well, I am sure I will be in attendance for one soon! I am determined to do this one day Sounds like a fun trip and I hope lots of people can make it!
  15. That vid was AMAZING! I really need to go on one of these sometime Damn you school life!
  16. Oh my god I want to know everything about what happened XD You guys are such teases I really hope I can make at least one meet this year but until my exams are done (middle of June) I'm stuck Looking forward to the various upcoming trip reports Peaj, maybe they will shed some light on whatever has been going on
  17. Does that mean he's been promoted or something? I hope he still does character acting, he's my favourite Sir Edward England out of all the people I've seen playing him XD
  18. Banned for having more awards than me! Scandalous!
  19. Next video in that series is up
  20. The TPM twitter account posted this earlier so it's probably still fine https://twitter.com/ThorpeParkMania/status/458184250953854976/photo/1
  21. Stark! American TV shows or British TV shows?
  22. Banned for missing a perfect opportunity to say "It's a Trap!" (Admiral Ackbar is the best! )
  23. Kinda fitting considering the nature of the Angry Birds franchise don't you think? Still these are just figures after all and we still have no idea what the finished area will look like so there's no need for such negativity at this stage!
  24. Just a quick question and I don't know if I can expect an answer since I couldn't find one via a Google search but does anyone know what the origins of the monkey doll branded with an Oblivion 10th anniversary thing that I have gained possession of? XD It's like a Monkey hand puppet and the foot is branded with the oblivion logo and a 10th anniversary thing. It was found in a charity shop and bought cheaply by my mother who works with kids before I noticed the oblivion branding. Can anyone shed any light on this since I can find next to no references to it online besides a brief mention of one on the towers forum in a list of merchandise someone had?
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