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Everything posted by Jordanluke2009

  1. Anyone that thinks The Smiler is better than Saw and Rage need to get there heads tested.
  2. When I went and did it on Tuesday I paid the booking fee at the door.
  3. But oblivion is one of the best 1 tricks ponies in the uk along with stealth. Air I dislike but I found it shows the concept of flying very well whereas the other models show it's more about inversions and not much of the flying concept.
  4. Honey boo don't call me basic that just makes you even more basic. Dragon Khan is more intense than The Swarm and I didn't grey out once. Swarm the only good thing about it is the theming which is absolutely fantastic. Love you Jamie.
  5. Well done to everyone for admitting they are basic have a round of applause from me. The reason I don't like The Swarm is because the restraints do like to dig into my collar bone and after riding baco and riding Swarm to death that the vibrations do put me off riding it. As well I think it's got abit to forceful for my liking when I rode it last year the force was manageable whereas now it just makes me grey out too much.
  6. No I`m not Benin I did my first foreign park 3 years ago.
  7. I think I would like Baron for the experience as it does look amazing the effects and everything Efteling looks like a fantastic park.
  8. Most parks in Europe do have the use of WiFi around the park. So I will have connection honey boo.
  9. Lol, even then eww Port Aventura is not my favourite park its built on too many service areas and you can see too much behind the scenes stuff especially from Gold River. Well done you can tell what the topic is called here have a medal. My favourite park has no B&Ms and it works for its selection of what it has and as well it`ll have wood next year making it the best option to go back. I`ll get all the B&Ms in Europe in the next couple of years.
  10. I know from experience what rides to avoid like the plague what rides to ride. I`ll have over 150 coasters next year with most of the trips I have planned and my theme park season doesn`t end until New Year with Efteling and Toverland as well as Duinrell and whatever parks in that area that are open for the christmas opening. None except Efteling will have B&M but I get Troy and Joris En De Draak.
  11. Jamie go to Port Aventura and anywhere else that has a B&M in the world.
  12. None of them but will be going to Efteling in the winter and then either Italy or Germany or Spain for the B&Ms next year. Don`t really like Air its a good substantial prototype but the other ones looks so much better. Raptor and some of the American ones look better than The Swarm.
  13. Honey Boo, Swarm is nowhere in or near my Top 10. Yes if you noticed Ryan The Swarm is at the end because its dull and boring compared to Shambhala which is a superior coaster. I rate Infusion higher than it and thats saying something ugh I tend to avoid The Swarm like the plague if I am the park Stealth and Saw are the best. I used to like Swarm. Oh yes I am a butterfly ethan I think you are the moth my friend
  14. Anyone that has Swarm in there top 10 is basic and needs to actually go and travel the world or ride shambhala.
  15. Pluk he means invert. B&M my favourite manufacturer have done some amazing rides that have once or are in my top 10 such as : Shambhala, Nemesis, Oblivion, Dragon Khan, Nemesis Inferno, The Swarm.
  16. Josh I gave the watered down view.
  17. I'm obviously not going to say my views on rugby and football. I can give you one word though rubbish
  18. But working on one of the roller coasters like The Smiler in the ops cabin you'd have 2 people operator and CCTV operator. So they can't be under the age of 18.
  19. where do you live surely you could get the train.
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