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Everything posted by Laelda_95

  1. Yeah I know what you mean Jord, I tried to be nice to a new member, and then he called us all ****s for joining a theme park forum.
  2. Were the actors in the queuelines told not to touch guests, because they just stood there growling
  3. I've realised I've become the kind of member that would have upset me when I first joined. I could probably be nicer to new members :/
  4. Oh. Sorry about your friend
  5. Laelda_95


    I saw Whitney from Eastenders at Thorpe today!!!
  6. Thanks so much Dano :blush:I can't really remove what she does it with, she does it with anything she can get her hands on, so there's not much I can do. I think she's getting help from a doctor now, but I think the reason she's doing it is because of a boy, which is silly.
  7. Maybe just wait until the rides finished?
  8. My mate is self-harming, and I have no clue what to do or say. It makes me feel so guilty that there's nothing I can do about it
  9. Laelda_95


    That is immense!
  10. Laelda_95


    I love kurt!!!!
  11. Bloody hell! People need to control their kids! My idiotic neighbours allow their kids throw stones into my garden and scream constantly from about 7am onwards.
  12. Same here. My dad's a chelsea fanatic so I have no choice. And yeah, I always get the glory supporter thing, but I'm not a glory supporter- I got my first chelsea shirt when I was barely a year old. If I dared support someone else, my dad would disown me, I kid you not.
  13. LOLI was born in Reading but there's no way that I'd support Reading. That would just be stupid :L
  14. Them police must have been Man Utd fans :/ Ireland shouldn't be part of Britain, not that I'm British: I'm ENGLISH!
  15. Aww I'm sorry, that's a horrible situation to be in :/
  16. Tbh, I acknowledge that alot of the time on here, I always seem to be involved in beef, or whatever you wanna call it, but it really doesn't help when I say something that I don't feel is offensive and then someone gets lairy or bitchy at me. If something I say is something you either don't like, or don't agree with, politely tell me so. But there's no need to be rude. If someone's rude to me, I'll obviously be rude back. I don't know if I'm just being paranoid, but I get the impression that a lot of people don't like me on here, for whatever reason.
  17. Had a party with friends, with loads of flags and stuff like that
  18. Laelda_95


    YES FERNANDO TORRES!!!!!! It's so amusing to see how the so called chelsea fans who slagged him off are pretending they never doubted him.
  19. I'm glad some one is allowed to celebrate, it's nice to see someone is proud to be english.My mate was warned for putting up a st georges flag yesterday by the council, incase it offended his pakistani neighbours.
  20. That's bad aswell. I wish people would bother to celebrate these things :/
  21. Why does no one celebrate St. Georges Day?!!??!?!?!? Is it because they're scared that they'll offend ethnic minorities? Whatever the reason, people need to be more patriotic!
  22. Before going on it for the first time, I was really hesitant. It's not as bad as you might think. I've been on it loads of times now, and I've never had a bad experience on it. You do feel the blood rushing to your head but it's not painful at all. Having said that, everyone's different, so you might feel differently about it
  23. Also, I watched it wih my parents, and in some complex parts or bits you'd have to see the previous films to understand, they asked me constantly about stuff, which tbh irritated me; I just wanted to watch the film!
  24. Well this is the part of the forum where we can talk about things not related to Theme Parks, so there's no reason why we can't talk about her. I respect that if you're not a fan of her, then you might get a bit sick of her though
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