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Everything posted by Laelda_95

  1. Laelda_95


    Pendulum at Guilfest. Hell yeah.
  2. Yeah, I'm guessing so. You can practically see the dollar signs in JLS's eyes whilst they are talking in the film :L
  3. Wow, don't you just hate users? You got what you wanted, and now you don't wanna know. Tosser.
  4. I saw the JLS movie yesterday in 3d. It was alright if you're a massive fan of their music, but if like me, you have no real interest in them, it's not worth the effort. It basically just shows some performances from their tour and some mini interviews of the band members. There are some funny bits, and I will admit, I did enjoy seeing Aston and Marvin shirtless. I'd rate it : 6/10
  5. Laelda_95

    Logger's Leap

    My hair smelt of the water all day on Wednesday, so manky
  6. I would go, but I went yesterday and today, and I'm sick of Thorpe
  7. Laelda_95


    I love sean kingston.
  8. Laelda_95


    Kenickie (is that how you spell it?) from Grease died...
  9. Laelda_95


    Ahaaa ^I'm soooo annoyed, I have to drive all the way to Thorpe to get my annual pass re-printed. This is gonna be a long day, even though its a 15 min drive
  10. Laelda_95


    It really hasn't been Ryan Giggs' week has it?
  11. Laelda_95


    Come on Barcelona!!!
  12. Tpgg, that's a bit much enit?

  13. Oh bloody hell, that always happens to me. Some hair dressers don't understand the concept of a decent side-fringe which is a bit stupid really. I asked for one, and ended up with hair like justin bieber.
  14. Damn you random guy who punched me in the mouth
  15. Laelda_95


    Mehhhh I know it's neeeedy, I'm bored
  16. Laelda_95


    Manz need to come in chat, it's dead
  17. Yeahh, my dad's unemployed, so even 6k is quite alot.
  18. Love how certain people are friendly towards you when they want something from you, but couldn't give a damn about you the rest of the time.
  19. Laelda_95


    Britney Spears' - 'Til the world ends' just started playing. How appropriate.
  20. I'm actually so jealous of you! I was meant to be going at some point, but then my idiots of parents decided it cost tooo much
  21. Some people really need to grow a pair.
  22. WOOOOOO Haddocks!!! :P

  23. http://www.pastryshoescollection.com/pastry-shoe-pictures/pastry-black-magic-glam-pie-hitops/^^ My school shoes
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