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Everything posted by Ian-S

  1. I'll just say it now, save you a hundred PM's.... Make sure you ask them when SAW will re-open
  2. To be fail the incoming car does come in at quiet a pace (between walking and jogging), when I was sat there stationary the other week and the other car came in, I did flinch a bit, but the car stopped short, not by much though, just a few inches, we all had a good laugh at ourselves at the time lol. Makes me laugh when they make a simple bump in the station out to be a major incident, I should claim compensation then cos I've crashed into other boats on loggers/dragons loads of times in he station entrance.
  3. Face + bird at 80mph would do more than hurt. My biggest concern would be getting stuck at the top of the top hat, not a rollback.
  4. You missed my point, Summer Nights and Island Beats are the same event on the same day, the difference between the two is one gives you access to the concert, the other just the park. But that's moot anyway because the Island Beats info now says Colossus is open.
  5. IIRC the Summer nights stuff was posted before SAW closed. Also I wouldn't hold much stock in the sites accuracy since Summer Nights says Colossus is open and the Island Beats bumf says it isn't....
  6. They were off Saturday (or when my friend went through they were anyway).
  7. At least it's useful for something then....
  8. Epic, where were you standing?
  9. Yeah there's no hosepipe ban here ATM (same water district), why am I not surprised Chessington tried to blame their lack of working rides on someone else, I wonder who they'll blame next?
  10. Just on Zufari or the whole park?
  11. Perhaps he was just having a bad day when I met him then, although unhappy/miserable celebs off camera isn't a rarity, Nick Knowles was one of the absolute worst I ever met and very rude to those who got within shouting distance of him. These t-shirts are in a similar vein to the kiss me quick ones you could buy in the seventies, they are harmless humour and I suspect would never have become an issue had the Smiler not happened, but even back then there were many who were offended by them, the irony is those offended by them likely send their children to school in extremely short skirts, which is far more provocotive to some than any words on a T-shirt.
  12. Yeah I thought of that after I typed the question
  13. Yeah which is kid of my point, why keep sending cars around when it can all be done in the computer.
  14. To recreate the situation they need to stall a car on the track, otherwise they'll achieve nothing by just running the cars round continuously.
  15. Well it won't because if they're testing them on a live track, the computer will step in and stop it before they collide, as far as we know the ride computer stopped the smiler as it should have done when a car didn't clear the block, it's what happened after that, that hasn't been explained yet.
  16. Alton have said they intend to get rid of a few haven't they? Even my dad commented about the lack of 'kids' rides at Towers last week compared to Thorpe. (He calls them kids rather than flats). Talking of pensioners, if you have catch up find OAP's Behaving Badly (channel 5) there's a small section on there this week that was about a couple of pensioners who tour the worlds roller coasters, but their favourite is Nemesis, and they've ridden it over 3800 times, the segment follows their last trip there before one has to have an operation.
  17. Oh sorry, well what can I call him?
  18. Yes he's a tosser, but then most celebs are very different when not in front of a TV camera Edit: 500th post yay!
  19. That guy is a tosser but he does sum it up pretty well If you don't like the T-shirt, don't buy/wear it.
  20. They still spin the wrong way though, should be the other way if it's to simulate the hoisting of the car up the lift hill. No doubt they'll fix it though.
  21. Smiler is in a different County, no reason to believe they both have the same replenishment requirements.
  22. The water rides have been on some sort of unofficial late opening most of the year (well the rapids and loggers anyway) as every time we've visited they've never been open before 11.
  23. They can't, they're busy elsewhere.
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