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Posts posted by Ian-S

  1. Schools and anything to do with technology is deeply flawed full stop, my sons school introduced a homework "app", the system promptly crashed one day which meant nobody could complete their homework....


    Their solution?  Give everybody a detention for not handing in their homework...  

  2. They never hurry, they're too interested in chatting each other up or swapping nightclub reviews, even on a busy summer day with two trains and a two hour queue the second train was still sat on the brake run for a few minutes while they flaffed about loading people.


    Then to make matters worse the batcher was getting annoyed with people for taking too long to get to the air gates, well if he had started batching people earlier instead of chatting....

  3. Well if you're going to set something up like that don't use your own phone would be #1 rule for me, nick the heads if you can and use theirs.....


    Edit: iphones have this wonderful button on the side that puts the phone into silent, it's the only feature I wish Android makers would copy tbh.

  4. Don't quote me on it, I'm sure they'll find some way to make it infinitely more complex, or use it as an excuse to push through big brother style I.D. cards.


    I can just imagine it now, 50p + I.D. card required to use the toilets at Cobham Services.

  5. That's exactly what is (potentially) going to happen with Ireland and Northern Ireland.


    You'll probably find they'll be some sort of regional agreement where residents of each side get free movement but outsiders won't, so for you question an English passport holder will be able to travel to Scotland and vice verca, but a German passport holder working in Scotland will only have travel access to England (no right to work, claim benefits etc).  


    Much like how a Canadian visits America now, flash your passport at the border check, answer a few questions and drive on through, but remember to go home when you're done (not quiet that simple in reality tho).

  6. I forgot to add that it would be interesting to hear the EU's thoughts on the proposals now considering they were none to welcoming the last time to Scotland, but knowing the EU they'll just welcome them with open arms this time.


    I've given up trying to have a reasonable discussion about Independence with our Scottish half of the family (who were all for it first go around) because as soon as you make any mention of their ability to sustain themselves on oil and whiskey you might as well just set off the nukes there and then, they've all got this attitude of 'shut your cakhole we'll be fine' and never actual address the slightly huge black hole in the piggybank.


    Trade deals work two ways though, think the EU have forgotten that.

  7. Chalk me up to being pleasantly surprised at your common sense views above, it's a refreshing change to see your generation using it.


    Having said that I do think the Jocks deserve another slice of pie, they were effectively convinced to vote stay by the promise/threat that it was the only way they could stay in Europe (from the EU too) so the fact that we have now voted to leave has basically nullified their original vote.


    But if they do vote for it, then independence should mean independence, no more subsidies from England, you fund your own projects, you're on your own Jock, best of luck, don't come back in three years begging for a bailout when you're bankrupt.


    Oh and for the love of god someone please make referendums the same requirements as Acts of Parliament with a two thirds majority required for the vote to be binding, it won't make a difference to the Scotts, they'll happily follow Nicola over the cliff, but if Brexit has taught us anything, the same rules need to apply regardless.

  8. It's only genius marketing if people connect the "object" with the "target", for example that opera singer and his annoying song, everybody knows he represents Go Compare, you don't need to Google him.


    Until I read it here I had no idea the clowns were connected to a film, I just thought they were some bored inbred doing their thing, I didn't connect "clown" and "film", nor did I talk about said film as a result of the clown craze.


    So in that respect the marketing is an utter failure as you either have to be a film buff or avid Googler to know what it relates to.

  9. I once overheard my neighbour lamenting Thorpe because they'd gone on August Bank Holiday, queued for hours, and got on nothing because their kids were too short, to the point where she was loudly discussing the possibility of suing them for some sort of perceived discrimination.


    Apparently she felt that her children were her responsibility and she considered the rides safe enough for them to go on and Thorpe were overstepping their mark by refusing access.


    Her kids were 4 and 5 at the time...


    But kudos to the big guy for loosing that much weight!

  10. No this is the Halloween thread and it's only fair there's balanced discussion ;)


    I dislike it too (share an Oct birthday too), when I was a kid it was a nothing event and our only interest was picking which firework display to go to the next weekend, now it's like the entire month is dedicated to it, yet another wasteful import like Prom night from America I guess.

  11. Didn't see the interview but my eyes nearly rolled out the back of my head when I saw the trailer on breakfast, those two are a good fit for each other, they don't just share the same first name.


    (As you can probably guess I'm not a fan, I know someone who works with Victoria Derbyshire and they're not too complementary of her).

  12. Two sweetners or one sugar depending on what's available, don't like coffee.


    My dad went through a stage of have 4-5 spoonfulls in his tea, but we've managed to cut him down to 3 (2 when he's here, we don't tell him and he can't taste any difference).

  13. I'm sure there's plenty can be done if I ponied up with a wad of cash but I don't have a money tree in the garden presently (still trying to get a seed) so I just suffer it, it's something that hass run in our family though, everybody on my side has duff teeth.

  14.  it is bad yes but I'm willing to give them a small amount of slack as even being a geek it was difficult for me to see the valley area through the track from the second lift hill by the toilets the other week, I can't imagine the view is any clearer down by the track.


    Unfortunately you cannot blame Merlin for having performance related pay, blame capitalism for that.

  15. I have about five left undamaged, so I don't smile much, I had a undiagnosed calcium deficiency in early life so my teeth were buggered from the get-go, people think I'm a meth addict when they meet me nowdays.   


    Gas is overrated, morphene is so much  more fun  (so I'm told).

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