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Everything posted by yeah

  1. Rock bottom? Like have you even seen Gulliver's?
  2. That's probably just because Shawn Sandbrooke's pov comes up first, or maybe there where no prof burps povs that where good enough quality for him.
  3. Bumping topics for no reason? Are you me?
  4. yeah

    Paultons Park

    There were a few construction materials round the back of Edge when I went - piles of dirt, temporary fences, that sort of stuff, as well as some diggers and things. Wonder what it is?
  5. yeah

    Alton Audio

    Really? I thought it would suit the SW8 area better tbh.
  6. yeah

    Alton Audio

    Very nice! What part of Mutiny Bay will it play in? Everywhere, or the courtyard etc.
  7. Really? All I saw was a video my mum showed me on Facebook of them saying "were stuck on Bubbleworks the last public riders" and they'd stopped on the ramp leading to the station, then all the staff gave them a round of applause for being the last. PS don't really appreciate the autism quote.
  8. When I was three, so how am I meant to know anything about Professor Burps other than what I've seen or heard from the internet? I'm just thinking about memories I'VE had with MY family, and what happened ten years ago really doesn't affect that. This is the first time I've had any sort of ride that I have good memories on removed or rethemed or whatever, and for that reason right now I really don't care what the ride is or how it came about.
  9. So Hotel Transylvania it is then I'm just getting more and more emotional the more I think about it really and remember the memories I've had on Bubbleworks. What replaces it had BETTER be good.
  10. yeah


    Forget Bubbleworks... THIS is the saddest closure on the 6th September 2016! Loki's Labyrinth also shut its doors today, ready for the Ninjago dark ride. 6th September will forever be the day that marks the end of an era... The era of controversial replacements! Joking of course this is nothing compared to Bubbles' closure.
  11. The last public riders got stuck on Bubbleworks lol
  12. Bubbleworks isn't exactly slow moving though (Sorry for the double post, I tried to edit the quote into my other post but it wouldn't let me
  13. You just said exactly what I wanted to say the whole time, just better.
  14. Heard some brilliant ones today. *Points at Vampire (the brake run approach)* "Is that the swimming pool?" *It goes past* "Oh no it's a ride." How could you even make that mistake at Chessington, where there is no, never has been, and has never advertised an outdoor swimming pool? Some people I really don't get. In the Dragon's Fury SRQ While going on about his visit(s) to AT. "The longest queue I've ever seen at a theme park was 2hrs 5mins for The Smiler." "Where you there when it crashed?" "No but I was there the day after." Sure. Same person "I walked halfway across Alton Towers. It's really big. We went all the way from Stealth and Swarm to Air." Must have been some walk.
  15. yeah

    Logger's Leap

    Storm Surge is just a helix and a drop. And it's boring.
  16. yeah

    Logger's Leap

    That and Storm Surge is the most boring thing ever
  17. Had my last ride on Bubbleworks today. It might not be a world class dark ride and it might not have a patch on Prof. Burps but it's the only ride I can really say was my childhood ride because as a small child Bubbles was my favourite ride and I have some great memories on there, and for that reason it was very sad. All Imperial Leather advertising was removed a few years ago
  18. yeah


    So today I found out what happens when you overwork yourself when really tired towards the end of your first true pre season friendly... ...You stretch a few muscles... Just hoping I've pulled nothing lol
  19. Imo the only bad piece ImaScore have done is Towers Street. It would be good for a Chessie Halloween event. Not Towers Street. Well its not staying is it.
  20. At what point was I rude, or suggest anyone was rude, may I ask?
  21. Me, after being confused as to why @jonny9403 replied to something not directed at him, not long after sending me two strange messages that dont make any sense and dont have any meaning...
  22. yeah

    Paultons Park

    Knew I forgot something! I've not ridden a woodie so can't comment on that but a dark ride with Paulton's level of theming and attention to detail would be scarily good.
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