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Everything posted by yeah

  1. yeah

    Alton Audio

    They play it in all monorail trains, in the monorail station, in the monorail queue, at the end of the day, in the rollercoaster restaurant everything.
  2. You are correct. Have you even seen, like, any of my posts?
  3. yeah

    Paultons Park

    Double post. I'm sorry, okay? Might as well elaborate now I have the chance to. We went on anything worth riding, apart from Magma. Queues got shorter throughout the day. Getting RAP was nice and easy, two people working in first aid meaning there was no queue, first ride was Catopillar, which I found quite painful. Critter Creek isn't bad, quite small. Next ride was Dino Tours, I liked it but unfortunately spent most of the ride worrying about how soaked I would get at the end. The ending is great though. Boulder Dash was... Disorientating. Velociraptor was good, my first Vekoma junior boomerang, you seem to get more airtime towards the front on there. I like the seats and restraints, very comfortable. Had 3 goes. Overall the Lost Kingdom is a credit to the park and imo the best themed area in the UK. I loved Cobra and it sneaked it's way into my top 10. Had three goes on that too. That first drop though! The Edge was nowhere near as good as Kobra or Mia's - that bump in the middle made it a very, VERY painful experience. Also what's with the seatbelt? The log flume was mediocre, Rio Grande needs some more theming, and the Pirate Ship was alright. Ate in the Railroad Diner, and I thought the food was quite nice tbh. Now for Flight. The first time I rode it I was MASSIVELY disappointed. No force (apart from that helix), no feeling, too short, wouldn't even make it into my top 7. Then I went on front row. WOW! What an experience! That first drop gives a lot of airtime and G Force, and the helix was brilliant! I didnt rate it over Vampire but it was a great ride. Then I rode it back row. It's forceful all the way through, pockets of airtime throughout and the closest I've come to screaming on a rollercoaster (through surprise I think, didn't expect it to be quite that good). Now I honestly don't know what's better out of that or Vampire. I'll make my mind up Monday. I also got back row of the last train on Flight. The park were very good, the ride experienced technical difficulties after queue close so kept Velociraptor open for those who didn't want to wait. What the park did at the end of the day sums Paultons up. We went through the gift shop at the end of the day expecting them to have the Lost Kingdom magnet I had seen in Outpost 12. We couldn't find it so my dad asked a member of staff who said they'd check the warehouse, they ended up walking all the way over to Lost Kingdom after closing time just to get the magnet. Brilliant. Overall, Paultons is a fantastic park and I can't wait to get back. They really have changed alot since 2012/13, and even the gift shop is well themed. They really care about giving all guests a good experience. All they need is a new log flume, some better music around the generic area of the park, and more themed areas (Paultons have proven they can do them well) and the park would be PPERFECT.
  4. Actually I had the problem solved, turns out it was just a folder lingering around in another within the set, using it now to develop a CS park which I will post here. Any CS or CTRs anyone could recommend? Can't remember the full list of CS I have (some lighting, rockwork, Coaster Goodies, ATH, Catfish Cove, Pirate Things, Random Things, Beasties Path Covers, Waterworld are all I can remember) but CTR wise I have Nightflight + Swarm and mrawS cars, Peril Mine, Large Flume, Spice's Dive Coaster, Arrow Suspended Swinger, Battle Galleons and Gerstlauer Eurofighter installed.
  5. Scuse me Dragon's Fury is the (second) greatest roller coaster ever okay and Vampy comes in at 3rd or 4th
  6. Hasn't been for long and keeps breaking down
  7. At this point in time Ripsaw is more reliable than Stealth.
  8. yeah


    Why would being inappropriate for young children be a problem for a 15+ maze, may I ask?
  9. Excuse me does BPB have Vampire and Dragons Fury no so therefore BPB does not have better rides okay thank you
  10. Yeah, it happens sometimes nowadays but not alot, Ive never experienced it so maybe operations were great when you went
  11. yeah


    But isnt Sub Species really physical and stuff? Skin Snatchers will probably be very gory.
  12. yeah


    Does anyone have the original Air plans? Ive heard it was meant to be really well themed and I want to see what was meant to happen.
  13. There's a reason it doesnt play, at least as loudly, in the station. Merlin have done that before too, with that awful theme in Land of the Vikings they had for like a week a few months ago, literally called "Viking Song" on YouTube.
  14. *Used to. Vampire runs without and it's perfectly safe.
  15. You should have a look at some Scorpion Express plans aswell
  16. yeah

    Paultons Park

    It's fair to say my opinion has changed.
  17. Yeah, when I went on they only let disabled guests on with loads of empty boats inbetween, it was weird.
  18. yeah

    Paultons Park

    How busy is Paultons usually? On my way there now.
  19. Yeah I mean everyone, maybe I'm wrong but I've never seen a big company change things like this vs our feedback.
  20. I can't see any UV paint on Bubbleworks, unless you mean Tomb Blaster. Bubbleworks current is at least a slightly similar theme to Burps (Its still a factory) and they kept some of it. True the humour is gone but Id prefer what we have now to some woman reading the gruffalo out while it's "acted out" in front of us.
  21. But wasn't all that was ripped out in 2005 Prof. Burp and all that replaced it ducks? I agree that, at least from what I saw, Burps was a better ride with a distinct story - Burps was a fizzy drinks factory, Bubbleworks is a... soap-duck-bath-fountain factory thing? - but at least some of Prof. Burps was kept slightly the same. I can see Gruffalo being a lazy retheme where nothing will be kept with UV paint everywhere.
  22. Wow, at least the Burger Kitchen restaurants are generous enough to let you know the burgers are gonna be rubbish when they hand you your grey burgers!
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