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Everything posted by yeah

  1. Tomb Blaster was done by Tussauds, so blame them.
  2. Nope, I've heard plenty of people say they dont invest in many coasters because theres no competition, unless I'm getting confused with "good enough" coasters, which I am 210% sure I am not.
  3. Fixed. I meant in the UK. Five rides, only three of which are big coasters, in what 6 years? Funny how people complain about no coasters... until I do.
  4. yeah


    X on five trains? Did the ride even move the amount of times it stopped?
  5. Merlin, take note. Liseberg have even less competition and are still investing in new coasters.
  6. Because half of it is already done for them.
  7. Its about 99% confirmed. Every news place is reporting it but I haven't seen anything from WW themselves.
  8. That's exactly what I meant to say. Let's not forget that not all the staff are enthusiasts like us. At first you might think "well it's a bit obvious 999 needs to be called" but as Leah said herself in the interview I posted above, she thought they would just bump into each other and seperate. Had that happened the injuries probably would've been less severe, and I imagine some sort of check would need to be done by first Aiders before anyone else as called, as (and obviously this doesn't reign true for what actually happened) surely if there are only injuries that can be treated on park such as cuts and bruises then ambulances wouldn't need to be called, but obviously there were serious injuries and the emergency services did need to be called. Maybe I could explain it better, but oh well I know what I'm trying to say will just be brushed off anyway.
  9. yeah

    Logger's Leap

    I think its fair to say Thorpe don't even have a clue if it'll be reopening at this point.
  10. Regarding the 999 calls, or lack thereof, to be fair to the people who witnessed this horrific accident they probably had no idea what to do. Put yourself in their situation, you dont really know what happened, what is happening, and if the emergency services have already been called, and as for Towers themselves, at first it really seems shocking that it took 20 minutes to call 999, but wasnt it mentioned that Alton's own First Aiders on the scene? Maybe it was a case of "How bad is it? Very bad. Okay, let's call 999."
  11. Tomb Blasters story is there are these bio-somethingorother mutant scarabs that are infected by some curse so you have to shoot them to kill them. Doesn't explain... anything but its there ai woop di doo
  12. Lucky! Why is it Alton has to be up north and Chessie down south... I'm torn!
  13. Ahh that'll be over the other side of Thorpe from me then - always have to drive past Thorpe to get to Woking.
  14. yeah

    Logger's Leap

    So its gone from "Loggers Leap will be closed for refurbishment for 2017!" To "We hope Loggers Leap will make a splash back in 2017" to "This hasn't been confirmed yet" R.I.P Loggers Leap.
  15. yeah


    I don't think that'll come in 2017, because thats the sort of thing Merlin would class as a major ride.
  16. yeah

    Youtube Videos

    Yes! I was actually meant to be recording some footage for him but never got round to it. Meanwhile, this isn't going to be used to ruin YouTubers' careers
  17. That's what I said. They're both awfully kept in their own right, Rumba is overgrown, theming is pretty dirty, and all the paint is flaky, whereas Vikings had had most of its theming taken away, sometimes nearly none of the effects working, buckets always off, and of course... the trough.
  18. Emphasis on the Congo, Vikings is in a state though not as bad
  19. One of my best mates has been on Sheikra and the like, so he goes on everything. Ive known him for about 9/10 years so it should help.
  20. Yes. Add some rockwork, bit more theming, more water effects, voila. Then you refurb Viking River Splash, add back the theming they took away, cover up the awful trough... but that's another topic.
  21. To be fair I quite like the Phalanx and M.O.J stuff, and Squid was created in the flop of a TV film Atlantis is based on.
  22. yeah


    Lol 2016 just hasnt been Thorpes year really has it
  23. Omg a Flight Is this a Vekoma too? It looks like the same style of trains just with Intamin track.
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