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Everything posted by yeah

  1. yeah


    Already mentioned it, but I had a dream my family was driving on a road in Brentford when a radio ad came on saying "Spinball Whizzer's time has passed, so in 2015 it will be removed, and replaced by our next big rollercoaster, new for 2017, at Alton Towers Resort"
  2. yeah


    Really? I'm playing XBOX lmao. Who scored?
  3. yeah


    Just to show how badly we are playing right now - a 2-1 victory over Preston, yes that's Preston, was celebrated as if we'd won the league.
  4. yeah


    One reason I don't think Air will be VR: One of the mask things will fall off.
  5. That last line doesn't sound good
  6. Actually I think WinRAR was the one I had...
  7. I did, but the program I used (7zip, or something like that) gave me adware so I want to find a different way of doing it. How exactly do I extract the zip file?
  8. yeah


    Very true, you can especially tell this at LEGO or Chessie, say if I wanted to go on Scorpion Express with my little sister, sometimes they're fine with that, sometimes they say I have to sit with an adult, and then we had an issue on Sea Storm where they only let me and my mum on, no one else.
  9. yeah

    The Banning Game

    Banned for seemingly having an out-of-control love for Slammer.
  10. I do believe they are selling them, and from my memory outside Lodge Gate it says they are £12 down the side of a feedback monitor.
  11. Can someone help me download CS? I've downloaded the CS itself, but I think you need to convert the file or something.
  12. yeah


    Jeez, that's awful! Maybe this rule depends on how busy it is, and maybe what time of day, too. EDIT: It could just be that you're all saying this was on Summer Nights, I don't think I went to that.
  13. yeah


    Hmm, I would ask if it's just something to do with the ride access pass however they were splitting up groups in the normal queue, too.
  14. Thinks I like LEGOLAND more than Chessie I just simply pointed out that he was negative towards LEGO. I love LLW, but it's my least favourite Merlin park.
  15. Rarrgh. Game crashed and everything I made today = lost. And I made loads.
  16. yeah


    This is true, the four of us had to be split up at the end of the Summer holidays. Completely unrelated, but I get a ride access pass, and I hated the disabled queue as it was small, hot and stuffy. I couldn't breathe, and I think it was just about enough to give me claustrophobia. Too many people in a room smaller than the walking space in my bedroom before it was tidied. And I had no walking space in my bedroom.
  17. We learned about prejudice and that in RE right at the beginning of Year 7.
  18. Chessington have put new opening times in place, the park now opens at 4pm?
  19. I doubt that was it, simply because they all had a different error.
  20. yeah


    Sorry to hear about your cat, I don't want to think about not having Max or Ruby D: It really annoys me when people abandon animals, I saw a TV programme where this guy had about 4 or 5 dogs and one got pregnant so he moved house and left them there. The RSPCA rescued them when the pregnant dog gave birth and they saved most of them, but sadly one of them (it might of been the pregnant one) had to be put down. In the Crealy topic I spoke about some family friends, their 15 year old dog had to be put to sleep the other week and it was very sad, I technically grew up with him and he was like our dog too. EDIT: I love that tumble dryer picture. Max has been in the washing machine twice and even fell asleep the second time. Ruby likes going in the dishwasher, and Ruby nearly escaped the house yesterday which would have been terrible because A, she hasn't been neutered, B, she's never been outside, so God knows what would have happened.
  21. It can't be three. Because so did I (begin to until my dad picked me up), so I'll have to say 2.
  22. yeah

    The Banning Game

    Banned because I was joking, and I only used two commas. Okay, three. Four. What's your point?
  23. yeah


    Holy mother of pigeon what is that?
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