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Everything posted by yeah

  1. I will be adding pictures in jusssssssst a second, however in the meantime, your park looks amazing toofpick, mine's nowhere near as good as that! (Mine is a no CS park, though.)
  2. Can anyone tell me why Zufari has been opening at 12 the last few days? And is it anything to do with the two new giraffes that have arrived?
  3. Rattlesnake is open today, and there are also two arrivals to Zufari.
  4. Aha, imagine if that inflatable thing is the new ride next year. New for Chessington 2016 - BOUNCY CASTLE TYPE THING!
  5. Tropic HeatWave has been removed after 5 years of operation. And it's going to be replaced by a B&M Flyer.
  6. What annoys you in RCT3? Or any RCT game for that matter? For me, it's when peeps take it upon themselves to tell you they're not hungry. If you're not hungry, don't buy the damn food, you idiot!
  7. Just got my Storm Surge of the park. Relatively slow, very short dingy ride called Tropic HeatWave (in my Tropicana area). The only difference is HeatWave wasn't very popular to begin with. Picked up a bit, but now not very popular again. Definetly subject for a removal soon, but I only built it last year (Year 13, coincidentally) so not for a while. Now building an Enchanted Forest area, which will be mainly for kids. Going to include a junior coaster called the Ladybird Coaster (familiar?), some kiddie/family flats, maybe on thrill ride such as an Enterprise, and a Corkscrew.
  8. Although I have a glimmer of hope, I was joking. As if Merlin would give Chessie an addition that good!
  9. Building a non-CS park called Crowne Point to begin with.
  10. It's finished installing... I'm so happy right now! Oh and, sorry for double posting or whatever...
  11. Hey guys! I just managed to clear space on my computer (finally!) to get the game (for some reason you have to delete photos about three times over on my computer?), so I picked it up on GOG.Com for £12! I'm not excited at all... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  12. Really? Hmm, both of those rides are roller coasters...
  13. Have they? I haven't heard of any planning permission. Maybe they kept it under wraps for once!
  14. yeah


    I have two kittens, called Max and Ruby. They are 17 weeks old and very playful! Max is black with white patches, and very fluffy! He likes food, and sleeping/lying literally on my mum's chest as she (tries) to watch TV. He also likes to go on little adventures, such as lying in the washing machine, sitting in my bed (basically a bunk bed with a desk for a bottom bunk, and investigating the bathroom windowsill, which he subsequently fell down from. He was okay though! Ruby is white with black patches. She likes sitting in a cardboard box, and sitting next to people sitting down so they can stroke her. Sometimes she literally purr if you look at her. Ruby is also very acrobatic. Max is a little more scared than Ruby, for example in their first home they lived with a dog. When they first met the dog, the dog walked around growling, and Max was terrified. Ruby hit it on the nose. That dog never did bother Ruby again.
  15. Well that's just fantastic, isn't it? So what happens now if they can't get planning permission? Do they just say "Oh sorry guys, no new ride this year, we messed up" or do they move the ride 2 metres to the left and re-submit, LEGOLAND style?
  16. Yeah, thought I was wrong, I always am lmao.
  17. yeah


    Yeah, but this idiot clearly didn't know that, did he? Also, surely the seatbelts must have some function, otherwise it wouldn't be enough to stop the ride over.
  18. Have they actually started construction - or even put in planning permission - yet? I didn't get a chance to go in Mystic East today because I had to pick my sister up from school.
  19. Ah, ok thanks. Surely the people RUNNING THE RIDE should know this though, shouldn't they?
  20. yeah


    To be fair, it was probably one of their journalists. In all seriousness though, I can't see that happening because it hasn't been massively covered. I read that in one Facebook post from someone who was on the station platform waiting at the time. And if they do write an article, surely it can't be negative as the staff spotted it and stopped anything from happening.
  21. That would be funny, if it weren't so sad. ...(It's a Portal 2 reference)...
  22. Am I the only one that thinks Tomb Blaster is closed because Curse of the lost Tomb is just a Halloween update of it and they're building that? Unless they've already stated it won't be, and I'm just really, really misinformed (which is probably the case)
  23. Can someone tell me why in the blue hell they are only loading every other boat on Bubbleworks now? We asked a staff member and he had no clue. O=It makes Bubbleworks a whole lot creepier, too.
  24. yeah


    Some idiot seeking attention and bad publicity for Towers tried to undo his seatbelt just before launch today, luckily staff spotted it and they were ejected from the park.
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