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  1. Probably Colossus, fits in so well in its area and just always gives a thrilling ride
  2. Jormerod18


    I personally quite liked x:/no way out but can see why people prefer x
  3. Although I don't mind the end product, I was very excited about it being Victorian themed and seeing things such as the dolls which I find much more creepy than the demons actually used. Seeing the shop before going on the ride got me even more excited for the whole Victorian theme and style so the whole modern day tube fracking storyline was a bit of a let down.
  4. After my first ride I assumed that both the person sat opposite me with the dog and the infected person coming through the window were both ghosts but I guess that's open to interpretation as there's no definite answer
  5. The first time I went on it I heard someone get snatched by the demon but didn't see it, you have to look to the right of the carriage.
  6. I used to be terrified on rides and the first big 1.4 coaster I did was air which was a pretty good one to start on but maybe different now it's Galactica. At Thorpe park id probably say swarm is the least intense of the big five
  7. Although if everybody else on the train stayed on in the same seat then it would be pointless wiping them down
  8. What was tidal wave like in 2003?
  9. Sorry if it's been asked before but has anyone had or know what the second ending is yet?
  10. Was on the same batch as you, must say it was weird seeing the actor dive out of the way of a metal pole with lights on! The actors did deal with it fairly well considering the amount of problems, the gas on the second vr seemed to be about 5 minutes long as well.
  11. The Surrey comet are reporting that bubble works will be closing at the end of this year.
  12. I was on the first batch today and we were stuck in the first vr train for about 20 minutes before it started as one of the doors wouldn't close. However I thought the ride was still amazing and can't wait to see what the different vr options are
  13. The image may have been photoshopped by Thorpe park to not show everything in the warehouse
  14. Would the 50 steps unaided thing rule out a scare maze? As surely that would take more than 50 steps
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